A student learns that some products are formed as a result of combining two compounds while some compounds are formed as a result of dissociation of two compounds. The image shows two reactions.

Nirmal Academy

A student learns that some products are formed as a result of combining two compounds while some compounds are formed as a result of dissociation of two compounds. The image shows two reactions.

A student learns that some products are formed as a result of combining two compounds while some compounds are formed as a result of dissociation of two compounds. The image shows two reactions.

both the reactions are examples of combination reaction                       

 both the reactions are examples of a decomposition reaction    

reaction P is an example of a combination reaction while reaction Q is an example of a decomposition reaction     

P is an example of a decomposition reaction while reaction Q is an example of a combination reaction


Correct Answer: Option C

(C) reaction P is an example of a combination reaction while reaction Q is an example of a decomposition reaction     

A student learns that some products are formed as a result of combining two compounds while some compounds are formed as a result of dissociation of two compounds. The image shows two reactions.

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