Crystal Structure of Semiconductor | Crystal structure of semiconductor pdf

Crystal Structure of Semiconductor | Crystal structure of semiconductor pdf

what is crystal structure of semiconductor ?

Si and Ge are the only two semiconductors in the elemental form. Other semiconductors such as GaAs, Gap, GaAsP, etc, exist but they are in the compound form. Since Si and Ge are the most commonly used semiconductors, we will study them in detail. Si and Ge both belong to fourth group of the periodic table and have four electrons in their outermost or valence orbit. 

Crystal Structure of Semiconductor | Crystal structure of semiconductor pdf

what is called a crystal in electronics ?

When Si and Ge atoms combine to form a solid, they arrange themselves into an orderly pattern called a crystal.  Each atom shares its electrons with four neighbouring atoms in such a way so as to have eight electrons in the valence orbit.

Although central atom originally had four electrons in its valence orbit, now it has eight. The electrons no longer belong to any single atom. Each central atom and its neighbours share the electrons and form four covalent bonds. The same idea is true for all the other atoms. The covalent bonds can be broken by supplying sufficient energy to the solid. The electrons set free by breaking the bond leave behind a vacancy called hole.

Thus hole is nothing but deficiency of an electron and has positive charge. Each bond breakage results in the production of two charge carriers i.e. one electron and one hole. Both types of carriers contribute into the conduction as will be seen in the next section.

What is the structure ofa semiconductor?

Semiconductors, such as Silicon (Si) are made up of individual atoms bonded together in a regular, periodic structure to form an arrangement whereby each atom is surrounded by 8 electrons.

What is semiconductor with diagram?

Difference Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors
Intrinsic SemiconductorExtrinsic Semiconductor
Pure semiconductorImpure semiconductor
Density of electrons is equal to the density of holesDensity of electrons is not equal to the density of holes
Electrical conductivity is lowElectrical conductivity is high

What is the crystal structure of semiconductor?
Se miconductors, which are an essential part of solar research, are materials that have a crystalline structure. This means that the covalent bonding in these materials is such that the atoms form a periodic atomic structure. This gives it some important electrical properties that we will see in later sections.

What is the structure of an insulator like?

An insulator has a large gap between the valence band and the conduction band. The valence band is full as no electrons can move up to the conduction band. As a result, the conduction band is empty.

Crystal Structure of Semiconductor | Crystal structure of semiconductor pdf

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