Blog Writing Solutions | Blog Writing 11th Class
Sr No. | A Profession | B Description | C Known as |
1. | Blog Writing | Writes in scientific journals, university magazines, etc as a result of their Studies and Research | a. Translator |
2. | Story Writing | Writes on trends or comments on issues in a column every day or weekly | b. Blogger |
3. | Song/Lyric Writing | Writes in National, State, and local newspapers as a staff member | c. Journalist |
4. | Academic Writing | Writes long stories of fiction, non-fiction, and other genres | d. Story Writer |
5. | Translating | Writes for theatre on genres like fiction and non-fiction, historical, etc. | e. Song Writer/Lyricist |
6. | Newspaper Writing | Writes lyrics/songs for films, plays, etc. on a given topic. | f. Academic Writer |
7. | Column Writing | Writes/Publishes an information piece, views, opinions, etc. on (www-World Wide Web) | g. Dramatist/ Playwright |
8. | Screen Writing | Writes in short on one or more genres of fiction/ in magazines, anthologies, etc. | h. Novelist |
9. | Fiction/Novel Writing | Translates an original work from one language into another | i. Screenplay Writer |
10. | Drama/ Play Writing | Writes Scripts for Films/ Movies/ TV etc. | j. Columnist |
Sr. No. | A. Profession | B. Description | C. Known as |
1. | Blog writing | Writes/Publishes an information piece, views, opinions, etc. on (www-World Wide Web) | b. Blogger |
2. | Story writing | Writes long stories of fiction, non-fiction, and other genres | d. Story Writer |
3. | Song/Lyric writing | Writes lyrics/songs for films, plays, etc. on a given topic. | e. Song Writer/Lyricist |
4. | Academic Writing | Writes in scientific journals, university magazines, etc as a result of their studies and research. | f. Academic Writer |
5. | Translation | Translates an original work from one language into another. | a. Translator |
6. | Newspaper writing | Writes in national, state, and local newspapers as a staff member. | c. Journalist |
7. | Column writing | Writes on trends or comments on issues in a column every day or weekly | j. Columnist |
8. | Screenwriting | Writes scripts for films/ movies/ TV etc. | i. Screenplay Writer |
9. | Fiction/ Novel writing | Writes in short on one or more genres of fiction/ in magazines, anthologies, etc. | i. Novelist |
10. | Drama/playwriting | Writes for theatre on genres like fiction and nonfiction, historical, etc. | j. Dramatist/ Playwright |
Go Through the blog given in the text and also refer to different blogs on the internet about various social issues and environmental hazards. Now write a blog on the following topic.
Earth with no Trees | ||
Blogs by Meena | It has been estimated that there are more than three trillion trees in the world. These trees have generously played their role in nature by providing us with abundant food, wood, shade and clean air. They’ve played a crucial role in balancing life on earth. But what if they all disappeared instantly? Just how different would the world be? Well, for sure, we wouldn’t die instantaneously. Perhaps a bit surprisingly, around 70% of the world’s oxygen is produced by the abundant algae and phytoplankton in the oceans. Just above 30% is produced by the trees. The loss of trees would, however, hit us all subtly. Many animals, birds and rodents would be adversely affected by the extinction of trees. We’d fall short of food, wood, medicines and a plethora of other natural resources. A world without trees would also deprive us of simple joys of life, like a walk in the forest, the sound of chirping birds, the aroma of juicy fruits and the sight of radiant flowers. Even though a disaster like this is hypothetical, the world’s forests are really in danger right now. Up to 80,000 acres of forestland are cut daily to satisfy the monstrous needs of our economy, leading to habitat loss, extinction of flora and fauna as well as the loss of cultural landscape of indigenous people. Hence, we should all do our share to protect these natural treasures and make sure they’re available for future generations to enjoy as well. | |
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Earth with no Trees | ||
Blogs by Meena | It has been estimated that there are more than three trillion trees in the world. These trees have generously played their role in nature by providing us with abundant food, wood, shade and clean air. They’ve played a crucial role in balancing life on earth. But what if they all disappeared instantly? Just how different would the world be? Well, for sure, we wouldn’t die instantaneously. Perhaps a bit surprisingly, around 70% of the world’s oxygen is produced by the abundant algae and phytoplankton in the oceans. Just above 30% is produced by the trees. The loss of trees would, however, hit us all subtly. Many animals, birds and rodents would be adversely affected by the extinction of trees. We’d fall short of food, wood, medicines and a plethora of other natural resources. A world without trees would also deprive us of simple joys of life, like a walk in the forest, the sound of chirping birds, the aroma of juicy fruits and the sight of radiant flowers. Even though a disaster like this is hypothetical, the world’s forests are really in danger right now. Up to 80,000 acres of forestland are cut daily to satisfy the monstrous needs of our economy, leading to habitat loss, extinction of flora and fauna as well as the loss of cultural landscape of indigenous people. Hence, we should all do our share to protect these natural treasures and make sure they’re available for future generations to enjoy as well. | |
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Man vs Nature | ||
Blogs by Meena | The proverb ‘nature gives and forgives, man gets and forgets’ comes hitting hard when we talk about the relationship between nature and man. Man vs Nature is often viewed as an eternal conflict. Books, movies and plays have often portrayed this conflict amusingly by showing nature’s tyrannical ways and the emergence of a man out of it through adaptability and sheer intelligence. This conflict is also termed as the Man vs Environment conflict. However, is this conflict a result of nature’s inscrutable will and indifference? Or is it a result of calculated human action? Man has without a doubt utilized natural resources abundantly. Right from foraging and hunting for food to excavating the earth and its oceans for natural resources, man has exploited nature to the extreme. Nature too, on the other hand, hasn’t taken kindly to all of man’s actions. Overuse, misuse and abuse of natural resources has often landed a man in a spot to face natural calamities like droughts, famines, earthquakes, floods and landslides. Many of them often caused due to man’s negligence and lack of respect for nature. It seems that this conflict is hard to resolve in a satisfactory way. The only way to work out this situation is to balance our life and lifestyle. If a man respects nature and utilizes its resources judiciously with a minimum impact on the earth’s geography and ecology, nature too would follow suit and be ever kind and generous towards man. | |
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Child Labour: A curse to humanity | ||
Blogs by Meena | It seems like a regular day when the newspaper boy rings our doorbell; he’s not more than 14 years of age facing the hard side of life where he has to start working at this tender age and forgo his education. He is not the only one. So is the case with your laundry waala, tapri ka chai waala, a waiter at a Dhaba, cleaner in a garage, or your average house helper. There are many odd employment options that these little ones pick up out of sheer helplessness. At the onset, child labour refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives them of their childhood and interferes with their education. India has a considerable number of child labourers. It is often observed in media that children are sent to work in mines, under-construction buildings and factories. Child labour further takes an evil form when children are used as puppets to beg on roads and commit petty crimes. Nobody knows what wonders these kids would have created had they been provided with an opportunity to educate and flourish. Child labour not only restricts kids from giving their best chances at life but also pushes them towards a dark future. To uproot this social evil, we all should join hands and help these little ones in our own ways. As responsible citizens, we should also seek help from government machinery as well as NGOs to provide aid and relief to these innocent kids from the shackles of child labour. | |
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Sr.No. | The topic of the Blog | Name of the Blogger |
1. | Don’t teach kids how to read, teach them why. ( stop-teaching-kids-how-to-read-reading-practice/) | Terry Heick |
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5. |
Sr.No. | The topic of the Blog | Name of the Blogger |
1. | Don’t teach kids how to read, teach them why. ( stop-teaching-kids-how-to-read-reading-practice/) | Terry Heick |
2. | How to unlock your hidden creative genius ( | James Clear |
3. | How to maintain the right state of mind for exam preparation ( | Aparajeya |
4. | Fulfill your dream of studying abroad with PTE ( | Raman |
5. | Here’s a sweet spot between fashionable and environmentally friendly ( | Rayomand Engineer |
Given below are a few topics for blog writing. Discuss and write.
Nurture Your Nature | ||
Blogs by Meena | Personality is a combination of various positive and negative characteristics that form an individual's unique character. Developing your personality starts with understanding yourself. In this blog, we will discuss some easy ways to develop your personality and become a better and much-evolved person.
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Health is Wealth | ||
Blogs by Meena | Mahatma Gandhi once said, ‘It is health which is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver’. There is nothing in our life, which is more precious than good health. Without health, there can be no happiness, peace, and success in anyone's life. Good health is a boon that keeps you happy, optimistic, and successful. However, not everyone can achieve and maintain the wealth of good health. In this blog, you can find simple and effective ways to be healthy. Several things contribute to good health. Firstly, fresh air and sunlight are of utmost importance for our health. A clean surrounding comes close second. Fresh, pure drinking water and wholesome food help the body to gain energy, attain vitality, and stay healthy. Also, in order to keep the body healthy, we need to keep the mind at peace. Physical exercises pave the way to a peaceful mind. Activities like morning walk, yoga, and meditation help to soothe all the senses and rejuvenate the mind for a fresh day ahead. Moreover, good hygiene also plays a crucial role in building good health. Simple habits like regular brushing, bathing, or washing hands before every meal can be very helpful to attain and maintain good health. Catching up on enough sleep and a healthy diet goes a long way in preserving the wealth of good health. Hope we could help you in understanding the importance of good health and ways to maintain it. So, stay healthy, stay happy. | |
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Understanding Social Dynamics | ||
Blogs by Meena | We know that man is a social animal, he cannot live in isolation. He is born in a society and grows up in a social set up. During this process, he is influenced by customs, values and traditions of the society. Through the course of his life, man interacts with several individuals, teams and social groups. The study of these interactions within society and various social groups is known as ‘social dynamics.’ These interactions could be between individuals or groups and in a formal or informal manner. More than two individuals become a group. When these individuals share a common goal or accept a common task, they are motivated to work towards its accomplishment. A common goal cannot be achieved without one another’s support. So, each member tries to contribute as per his skillset to achieve the desired goal. A bond within the members of a social group gives a feeling of belonging and encourages every individual in the group to come up with new ideas and solutions to achieve the set goals. However, no two individuals are the same. Thus, at times, there could be conflicts within the group. These conflicts can be resolved through a democratic process of interaction and dialogue between the members of a group or different groups. Such discussions and coordination within the members play an important role to resolve differences and build a group spirit. To carry out this task, every group needs a strong leader who will bring in understanding and unity among the group members. A strong leader inspires the group to contribute their talents towards a common goal. He inculcates values of mutual respect and leads the group with a sense of equality. In a nutshell, an able leadership, unified efforts and strong group co-ordination can help in the smooth functioning of social dynamics. | |
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How to Master the Art of Communication | ||
Blogs by Meena | Our previous two blog posts dealt with the introduction and importance of communication skills. In today’s post, we’d talk about the five important aspects of communication skills. Mastering these aspects would exemplify your communication ability and avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation. Clarity: Effective communication begins with clarity of thought. Before we communicate, it is imperative that we have clarity in our mind about the message that we want to deliver. To keep communication efficient, we need to keep it free of unnecessary words. Keep the message short and to the point. Voice: One of the most important aspects of communication is confidence. And nothing delivers it better than your voice. The tone of your voice usually sets the mood of the conversation. Hence, voice modulation forms an important pillar of effective communication. Voice Modulation is the change in pace, pitch, stress, volume and the tone of voice. It not only reflects confidence but also helps in convincing your audience about your beliefs and ideas. Listening: Listening is the key to effective communication. To listen is to accurately interpret messages in a communication process. Patient listening forms the core of every communication process. However, the effective listening process goes merely beyond offering an ear. It involves observing the speaker’s body language, gestures, facial expression and eye contact. Listening is therefore not just a matter of using your ears, but also your eyes. Open-Mindedness: An open mind is a hallmark of strong communication. Open-Mindedness considers the merit in what other people say without being biased or judgmental. This receptivity to varied perspectives not only enhances your communication ability but also builds wisdom. Open-Mindedness gives birth to a meaningful dialogue and usually takes a thread of communication to its logical end. Asking Questions: Questioning is the art of acquiring information. Good questions help conversations to flow and improve their outcomes. To ask good questions, one must ask them in a sequence, should know when to keep them open-ended and use neutral words. Hence, asking the right question at the right time to the right person holds the key to great communication. Possessing effective communication skills is a powerful tool to have. However, it requires constant awareness, intentional effort and a desire to improve. In the long run, effective communication skills improve your relationships, increase your market value and build your self-esteem. | |
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Self Defence and Martial Arts | ||
Blogs by Meena | We get a sense of peace and satisfaction when we are able to take care of ourselves mentally, financially, and physically. However, a lot of people neglect the physical part. In a world full of uncertainties, a situation might arise where you have to defend yourself. Self-defence techniques come handy in a situation like this. Self-defence is a set of physical techniques that are applied to protect oneself from any untoward physical act. There are many ways of defending oneself. One of the popular ways is to learn martial arts. Today we’ll take a look at five martial arts that’d ably equip you to defend yourself. Aikido: Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art that means ‘the way of harmony’. Aikido techniques are usually a defence against an attack. On a physical level, it is an art that involves throws and joint locks and focuses on using the energy of an opponent to gain control or to force them away from you. It utilises the principle of non-resistance to cause an opponent's own momentum to work against them. Muay Thai: Muay Thai means Thai boxing. It is a martial art and a combat sport that evolved in Thailand. It uses the body to mimic as weapons of war and involves aggressive use of fists, elbows, knees, and shins. It is a form of kickboxing and is known for delivering some of the most powerful legs kicks in martial arts. Muay Thai is the most common striking style used in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Taekwondo: Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that means (Tae) foot – (Kwon) hand - (Do) art. Taekwondo has a lower injury rate than most other martial arts. It lays an emphasis on punches, blocks, open-handed strikes and a number of kicking techniques. Taekwondo practitioners are at all times expected to uphold its five tenets: courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit. Krav Maga: Krav Maga is a self-defence technique from Israel that means ‘contact combat’. It is known for its focus on real-world situations and extreme efficiency. The philosophy of Krav Maga emphasises on aggression and attacks are aimed at the most vulnerable parts of the body that cause severe injury to the opponent and may even lead to death. It is a core self-defence technique employed by the military of Israel. Kalaripayattu: Kalaripayattu is an ancient martial art that evolved in southern India around 3000 years ago. It is an incredibly graceful art and involves acrobatic rolls, jumps and dives to evade armed as well as unarmed attacks. The moves and techniques in this martial art draw inspiration from animal forms such as lion, tiger, elephant, wild boar, snake, and crocodile. Kalaripayattu is one of the few martial art techniques that employ the use of weapons. Martial arts not only teach you to defend yourself but also instil in you, core values and principles. They teach us the values of discipline, responsibility and accountability. | |
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