How to Remember 90% of Everything Learned?

How to Remember 90% of Everything Learned?

  1. Learning Pyramid – How to Remember 90% of Learned Information?
  2. Would you like to learn faster and remember 90% of everything you learn?

Whether you are learning English, trying to play a new instrument, studying or learning a new sport, we can all benefit from fast, easy and permanent learning techniques. But the problem is, we have limited time during the day.

The key to fast, easy and lasting learning is not that we need more time to learn or study, but to maximize the effectiveness of time spent learning.

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Comparison of Carrying Water with a Perforated Bucket

Let's think for a moment as the transfer of knowledge to water and learning as the transfer of this water to the place where it will be stored in a bucket. Normally, we need to fill the bucket with water, fill it and carry it wherever we want. So the bucket must be a solid bucket.

Perforated Bucket and Memory Capacity

But in reality, our brain cannot transfer information to memory in the form of carrying it in a sturdy bucket while learning. The bucket used by the brain to carry the learned information to the memory storage is like a bucket with many holes on it and leaking water in many parts.

 In other words, most of the information that enters our brain is eventually leaked and very little can be transferred to our memory stores. Instead of thinking that our brain carries information to its memory with a bucket that protects everything, we need to know that it is actually trying to carry information with a leaking bucket, and we need to learn the techniques necessary to plug the leaking holes in the bucket.

You may not have liked the analogy of the leaking bucket, but it is the truth. Most people are unaware that there are many holes in the bucket where they carry information to the memory store. The only thing it does is to keep running, trying to carry information to the memory storage with such a bucket. Unless he knows how to float the holes in the bucket, the only thing he can do is try to run faster while carrying the bucket, which is nothing more than helplessly tired.

Unless you can turn a leaky bucket into a solid bucket, 90% of everything you learn will be forgotten?

The Learning Pyramid - How Do Hive Holes Clog?

I will have two different suggestions for you to turn the holes of the bucket you carry information into a more solid bucket. The first of these is the numbers and recommendations regarding the recall rates of different learning styles that were determined before the 1990s, and the second is the "Photographic Memory Techniques", which I have also pioneered in the world after the 1990s. I define this system as "Brain Based Learning" or "System That Teaches Learning". In this direction, as Mega Memory, we organize many "Brain Based Trainings" and offer them to our readers.

My first suggestion concerns the Learning Pyramid , which began to develop in the 1960s and is widely attributed to the NTL Institute in Bethel, Maine . There is an important reason for me to mention this pyramid. The brain-based training methods and " Photographic Memory Techniques " that I was interested in at the end of the 1980s helped me add success to my achievements. However, 

I was a successful student without learning brain-based trainings. Brain-based training methods have increased my success level exponentially. Here, the answer to my successful period before using memory techniques is hidden in the Learning Pyramid , which I will tell a little later . First I will talk about the learning pyramid and then tell me which one I am using in this pyramid without realizing it.

Mega Math - Mental Mathematics and Memory Techniques

The truth that the ' Learning Pyramid ' explained in those years was this. These learning styles were divided into two as “ PASSIVE LEARNING ” and “ ACTIVE LEARNING ”. The first four learning styles in the pyramid represented passive learning styles, while the last three styles represented active learning. According to studies, people remembered information at different rates according to the way they learned. The learning pyramid drew attention to the following ratios regarding these rates;

  1. Learning and Learning Pyramid
  2. Learning Pyramid and Recall

→  5% of the information learned in a lesson can be remembered (example: school lessons / university lessons).

→  10% of the information learned by reading can be remembered (example: books, articles).

→  20% of the information learned from visual and auditory items can be remembered (example: Applications, videos).

→  30% of the information can be remembered because a demonstration of the learned information is seen.

→  50% of the information learned through group discussion can be remembered.

→  75% of applied information can be remembered.

→  90% of the information that is used immediately after learning or taught to others can be remembered.

Memory Training - Photographic Memory Techniques Set - learning

Well, think about it. How do most of us and most students learn?

Through books, classroom lectures or, if we find it, sometimes by watching videos. These are all basically non-interactive, passive learning methods. So what's the result? 80-95% of what has been learned goes through one ear and out the other.

Now I can explain the reason for my success before I developed and used memory techniques by referring to the ' Learning Pyramid '. I enjoyed sharing what I had learned immediately and trying to teach it to others. Perhaps this was due to the satisfaction of my sense of help, or perhaps because of my feeling better. But I was happy. 

Also, when I was explaining what I learned to my friends who had missed the lesson or had parts that they did not understand, I was explaining it in my own simple words, not in the words in the book. I still remember the voices of some of my friends saying, “I understand what you are talking about more easily than what you are talking about in the book or in the lecture”. Who knows, maybe it's because I'm telling it in words and expressions of the same level.

The ' Learning Pyramid ' says this; Instead of forcing our brains on how to remember more information with “passive” methods, we should first devote our time, energy and resources to “participatory” methods that have proven to deliver more effective results.

This means:

If you want to learn to drive, instead of watching videos on how to drive on youtube, you should go to a driving school and try driving under the supervision of an expert trainer.

If you want to play the piano, instead of reading a book about playing the piano, hire a music teacher in your area.

speed learning - speed reading set with understanding

If your goal is to learn school lessons and succeed in exams, I recommend that you focus primarily on active learning methods, which are at the top of the ' Learning Pyramid '. However, if you want to triple or even quadruple your learning and memory power more easily while using active learning methods, I also recommend you to learn "Photographic Memory Techniques".

Remember, everyone has the same time in 24 hours to succeed. But while someone is trying to carry information to the memory stores in their brains with perforated buckets during these hours, some first learn the techniques that block the holes in their buckets.

An example will explain the result very strikingly. For example, let's say a student named “A” can keep 90% of what he learned in his memory while learning a language for an hour using active learning and memory techniques.

 let's say the other student named “B” works for 9 hours with classical passive methods and can only memorize 10% of what they learn for each hour. By doing a simple math operation, the student named “B” spends 9 times more time than the student named “A” to memorize the same amount of information (A: 1 * 0.9 = 0.90 ; B: 9 * 0.1 = 0.90).

Remember, you have to make the most of our limited time. For this, you should focus on the techniques that provide the most impact.

In our age of endless access to information, as well as countless distractions, the ability to learn more is our most powerful ability to reach any goal faster.

I wish you success…

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