IR Based Traffic Density Detection And Signal Adjustment | Density Based Traffic System via IR Sensor
Working of Circuit
1. If there are traffic at all the signals, then the system will work normally by controlling the signals one by one.
2. If there is no traffic near a signal, then the system will skip this signal and will move on to the next one. For example, if there is no vehicle at signal 2, 3 and currently the system is allowing vehicles at signal 1 to pass. Then after signal 1, the system will move on to signal 4 skipping signal 2 and 3.
3. If there is no traffic at all the 4 signals, system will stop at the current signal and will only move on the next signal if there will be traffic at any other signal.
Components :
- Ardiuno Nano
- IR sensor
- Resistor
- Red LED
- Green LED
- Yellow LED
- Ploud board
- Connector wire
Avoid wastage of time due to the traffic
Fully Automatic
Low power consumption
It provides the easy access in the traffic light
Low cost to design the circuit maintain of the circuit is good
By using this Arduino Nano, we can create many more
Controls to the appliances
Easy convenience to handle
1. Traffic Control
2. The project is mainly used in the traffic signals in metropolitan cities to provide uniform Distribution of traffic.
IR Based Traffic Density Detection And Signal Adjustment | Density Based Traffic System via IR Sensor
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