Read the Following Poem and Write En Appreciation of It with the Help of the Given Points in a Paragraph Format

Nirmal Academy

Appreciation The pulley poem | The pulley poem appreciation 10th

 Write an appreciation of the poem ‘The Pulley’ with the help of the 

following points. (05)
i. Title (½) 
ii. Poet (½) 
iii. Rhyme scheme (1) 
iv. Figures of Speech (1) 
v. Theme/central idea (At least 2 to 3 lines) (2)

Ans: Appreciation of the poem ‘The Pulley’  ‘The Pulley’ by George Herbert is a secular poem having hints of religious elements  woven into it. The title of the poem is quite justified because just as a pulley lifts up  objects to a greater height, God, the creator too lifts man towards him, through the  pulley of ‘restlessness’. 

The rhyme scheme used in the first three stanzas of the  poem is ‘ababa’ while that of the fourth stanza is ‘abcba’. The poem is beautified  using figures of speech such as Alliteration, Antithesis, Climax, Consonance,  Hyperbole, Inversion, Metaphor, Paradox, Personification, Repetition, Synecdoche, and Tautology. An example of Metaphor from the poem is “Bestow this jewel also  on my creature” where the gift of ‘rest’ is indirectly compared to something  precious such as a ‘jewel’. 

The theme of the poem revolves around the fact that  human beings are bestowed with many gifts by God, yet we tend to be materialistic  and overlook God, who always pulls us towards him. Written from the point of view  of God, this poem gives us a clear idea that as humans, we are subject to God’s will  and all the wealth in the world wouldn’t be able to compensate for the satisfaction  and solace we seek in him.


Appreciation The pulley poem | The Pulley Appreciation In Paragraph Format

Title: – The title of the poem is ‘Pulley’.

Poet: – The poem, ‘The Pulley’ written by George Herbert.

Theme/Central Idea: -The Central idea of the poem revolves around God. When God created man, he had a glass of blessings standing by. God intended to give all the blessings to man but something stopped him. He realized that only ‘rest’ remained at the bottom of the glass and he decided to withhold it. This was done so that man would turn towards God.

Rhyme Scheme: – The rhyme scheme of the poem is a  b  a  b a.
Figures of Speech: -The poet has used many figures of speech such as Metaphor, Alliteration, Repetition, Inversion, Personification, Synecdoche and Onomatopoeia.

Special Features: -The special feature of the poem is that this is a religious poem. The poem stresses that without God, there is no life. It gives us a clear idea that man has to depend upon God for a satisfied life. There is a great deal of imagery in this poem.

Favorite Line: -My favorite line from the poem are: “If goodness leads him not, yet weariness May toss him to mybreast’.                                                                                                      
I like this poem:- because the true nature of man is depicted in this poem. It teaches us to be humble and makes us to realize that only riches cannot bring us satisfaction and peace of mind.

Appreciation The pulley poem | The pulley poem appreciation 10th

Write Critical Appreciation of the poem in a paragraph format. (Refer to page no. 5)

Point Format
(for understanding)

Title of the poem: ‘The Pulley’

The poet: George HerbertRhyme scheme: a-b-a-b-a

Figures of speech: Metaphor, Pun, Inversion, Paradox, etc.

The central idea theme the reason why man is continually restless
Paragraph Format
The title of the poem is ‘The Pulley’. The poet is George Herbert.

Each stanza of the poem has five lines. The rhyme scheme of the poem is a-b-a-b a.

The chief figure of speech used in the poem is Metaphor. The ‘glass of blessings’ signifies the sum of all human qualities bestowed on man. The quality of ‘rest’ or ‘contentment’ is implicitly compared to a ‘jewel’. The other figures of speech are Pun, Inversion, Paradox, etc.

The central idea of the poem is the reason for man’s continual restlessness all his life. According to the poet, this is because God withheld the quality of ‘rest’ from man, so that man’s thoughts would ultimately turn towards God, his creator.

Appreciation The pulley poem | The pulley poem appreciation 10th

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  • the pulley poem appreciation
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