SYBSC(HS) - SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING Question Paper (2016 Pattern)
Friends in today's articles we all are going to see SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) question paper. Because if you are studying this subject then these SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) structure questions papers are going to be very important for you because in the paper you can get very good marks after studying this SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) question paper university properly.
To put it simply, in these articles we all are going to see the question papers of S.Y. B.Sc. (Hospitality Studies) HS-206 : SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) (Semester - I) model question paper. While in this class we have to study many subjects. In that, we are solving the question papers of many subjects, today in these articles we are going to see the question paper SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern).
S.Y. B.Sc. (Hospitality Studies) HS-206 : SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) (Semester - I) Question Bank
These SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) previous year question papers have been posted by us from previous many years because students find it very difficult to find these question papers. You can take all these SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) question bank through this website and study well.
S.Y. B.Sc. (Hospitality Studies) HS-206 : SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) (Semester - I) Question Paper
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any four out of 5.
3) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) Write briefly on (Any five). [5×2=10]
a) Control of noise pollution.
b) Breakdown maintenance.
c) Need of Replacement of equipments.
d) Care of domestic refrigerator.
e) Types of fuels.
f) Prevention of Accidents.
Q2) Answer any two. [2×5=10]
a) Components of an A/c.
b) Any two water purification method used in hotels.
c) Ammonia as a refrigerant.
Q3) Answer any two. [2×5=10]
a) Differentiate between window A/c & split A/c.
b) What is importance of Earthing?
c) Explain various AV equipments used in a Meeting Room?
Q4) Answer any two. [2×5=10]
a) Explain the concept of 3Rs.
b) Write the components of Escalator.
c) What are various types of fuses.
Q5) [2×5=10]
a) Explain VCC through a Block diagramm.
b) Calculate electricity bill for July 2019. The rate per unit is Rs. 4
SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) Question Paper University | SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) Question Bank
If we study this SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) exam questions paper properly then all of us will not face any kind of problem in next year's SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) question paper. Because you must have studied many SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) old question papers before this. Then even if the sample question paper SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) of the final paper comes in front of you, you will feel familiar with the questions and you will be able to answer them well.
Make sure to let us know in the comment box how you all felt about the above SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) question paper. Similarly, if you have any more SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) solved question papers, you must let us know in the comment box.
important Question SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) | Old question papers or previous
Question papers on many other subjects like SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) question papers are posted on this website. For that, we all should go to Google and enter the name of the question paper and Nirmal Academy in front of it. For example, after entering SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) question paper as Nirmal Academy, we will get that question paper very easily.
If you all want more SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) question papers then also tell us in the comment box we will attend with SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) question papers for you. Thank you for viewing SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) question papers in today's article this concludes today's article.
This is Also Done :
- SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) Model Question Paper
- SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) Question Paper With Answers pdf
- S.Y. B.Sc. (Hospitality Studies) HS-206 : SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) (Semester - I) Question Paper
- SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) Question Paper 2023,2022,2021,2020,2019,2018
- SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) model answer paper
- SCIENCE OF HOTEL ENGINEERING (2016 Pattern) Question Paper SPPU
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