Prepositions in marathi - शब्दयोगी अव्यये
preposition meaning in Marathi -नामापूर्वी व सर्वनामापूर्वी येते व त्या नामा, सर्वनामाचा वाक्यातील इतर शब्दाशी संबंध दर्शविते. Preposition ची निर्मीती pre म्हणजे आगोदर position म्हणजे जागा. म्हणजेच 'नामा सर्वनामाच्या आगोदरची जागा असणारा शब्द' अशी आहे.
Prepositions ला वेळ, ठिकाण, हालचाल, क्रियेची पध्दत, कारणउद्देश, मालकी इत्यादी अर्थ असतात. त्यानूसार त्यांची खालील प्रमाणे विभागणी करता येईल.
Prepositions of time - Marathi Prepositions
१. वेळ-काळ दाखविणारे Prepositions
• At = या वेळी, घड्याळी वेळ, निश्चीत वेळी : at 9'o clock, at lunch
- at dawn
- at noon
- at sunset
- at night
- at dinner time
- at high tide
- at bed time
• सणाच्या सुट्टीच्यावेळी, या सुट्टीत
- at Easter
- at Christmas
- at the week-end
• on = या दिवशी, या वारी, या तारखेला

- on Tuesday
- on Sunday evening w
- on my birthday
- on Christmas day
• In = या वेळेत, या महिन्यात, या वर्षी मोठ्या काळात घडलेल्या घटनेसाठी वापरतात. i. In काळ (period of time) दाखविणाऱ्या शब्दांपूर्वी वापरतात.

उदा. in the morning
- in the evening
- in the day time
- in the dinner hour
- in June
- in 2013
ii. एखादी गोष्ट करण्यासाठी लागलेल्या संपूर्ण कालावधीसाठी in वापरतात.
उदा. He ran the distance in three hours.
iii. 'उल्लेख केलेल्या काळाच्या शेवटी' या अर्थी in वापरतात.
- We shall be ready in a few minutes.
- Come back in an hour's time.
iv. वेळ दर्शविणाऱ्या नामापूर्वी विशेषण आल्यास at, on, in वापरत नाहीत.
• During = मोठ्या कालावधीत तितकाच काळ किंवा बराच काळ चालणाऱ्या घटनांसाठी during वापरतात.
- It rained during the night.
- The thieves burgled the house during the night.
• By = "एखादी गोष्ट करण्यासाठी जास्तीत जास्त उशीराची वेळ' असा by चा अर्थ होतो; म्हणजेच 'या वेळेच्या आत, नंतर नाही'.
- You must be home by 100'clock.
- The work should be finished by next Friday.
During च्या अर्थासारखा देखील by चा उपयोग होतो.
- Some drivers travel by / during night.
• For = कालावधी दाखविणाऱ्या शब्दापूर्वी 'संपूर्ण कालावधीसाठी' या अर्थी for वापरतात. for four days, चार दिवसांसाठी
- It rained continuously for four days.
- तीन घंट्यांसाठी for three hours
- He slept for three hours
• Since = भूतकालीन वेळेचे टोक दाखविणाऱ्या शब्दापूर्वी- 'तेथून पूढे' या अर्थी since वापरतात.
- She has been crying since morning.
- He has been very sad since his father died.
• From = वर्तमानकाळातील व भविष्यकाळातील टोकापासून सुरू होणाऱ्या कृतीसाठी व ते टोक दाखविणाऱ्या शब्दापूर्वी from वापरतात.
- The office will be open from 9'o clock.
- I will never help him from now onwards.
• To पर्यंत = from six to ten.
• Before = च्या आगोदर - He came before midnight.
• After = च्या नंतर", The doors will be closed after 100'clock.
• Till = पर्यंत (च्या आगोदर नाही) He waited till midnight.
२. स्थिती ठिकाण दाखविणारे Prepositions On: On म्हणजे वर : - The dot is on the solid. (Percht)
- टेबलावर - on the table
- भिंतीवर - on the wall
- गंगा किनाऱ्यावर - on the Ganga
- च्या बाजूला- on the left side
- मजल्यावर- on the second floor
- रेडीओवर -on radio
- TV वर - on TV

५. साधन दाखविणारे Prepositions साधन दाखविण्यासाठी with by वापरतात; यालाच या अव्ययांचा instrumental उपयोग म्हणतात,
By - (doer )कृती करणारा-Ramesh was helped by the old man. ने ( प्रवासाचे साधन) by bus, by train, by steam
- इतर मदतीने - by hand
With - (instrument) साधन, अवजार, च्या मदतीने, च्या सोबत, अशा
- The man shot the bird with a gun. बरोबर वाक्य.
- The window was broken by a stene-चुक वाक्य
- The window was broken with a stone. (Instrumental)
- The window was broken by a boy. (doer कर्ता)
preposition meaning in marathi with example
* The-window was broken with a bey. असे वाक्य होत नाही.
• The cake was made with eggs.(Ingradients घटक, च्या मदतीने)
• He caught the ball with his left hand.( Instrumental साधन).
- Riya went with her friend.
- She came to college by bus.
- She sent the parcel by post.
६. क्रियेची पध्दत दाखविणारे Prepositions
- / Imoved the table with great difficulty. (Manner पध्दत)
- / They fought with courage.(Manner पध्दत)
- / We were received with courtesy. (Manner पध्दत)
७. कारण - ऊद्देश दाखविणारे Prepositions
i. Swimming is good for health. (Reason कारण)
ii. They struggled for freedom. (Reason कारण)
iii. He trembled with anger. (Reason कारण)
iv. His first wife died of hunger. ( येथे of कारण दर्शविते.)
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