Appreciation Nose Versus Eyes 11th | Nose Versus Eyes Appreciation

Appreciation Nose Versus Eyes 11th | Nose Versus Eyes Appreciation

11th english all poem appreciation pdf | class 11 english appreciation
1) Cherry Tree Poem Appreciation
2) The Sower Poem Appreciation
3) There is another sky Appreciation
4) Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation
5) Nose Versus Eyes Appreciation
6) The Planners Poem Appreciation

Appreciation -1 [ Nose Versus Eyes Appreciation ]

  1. About the poem, poet and title
  2. Theme
  3. Poetic style, language and poetic device
  4. Special features
  5.  Message / values/ morals in the poem.
  6. Your opinion about the poem.

1 - About the poem, poet and title
The poet William Cowper is famous for his satirical work. The poem ‘ Nose versus Eyes ‘ is such a one gently humorous. It pokes fun at some absurd decisions arrived at in jurisprudence when the law is applied without human discretion and thought. The nose and eyes are sensory organs that symbolise human behaviour.

2 - Theme
The theme is about typical human behavior in the society which is greedy. People who grab something which is not theirs and depride those who deserve it.

3 - Poetic style, language and poetic device
The poem is in stanzas of four lines each, The first and third, and the second and fourth lines rhyme in each.

The sensory organs are personified. The eyes and nose are the parties fighting the cakes, claiming ownership of the spectacles. The tongue is the lawyer ; the ear is the chief baron – The judge. The tongue is attributed with the qualities of skillful argument and learning. The tongue is also given the quality of shifting loyalties and double speak. That is what lawyers do. The ear is spoken of as having good judgement.

The poem has many words and phrases related to the legal field ‘ Your lordship ‘ is how the tongue addresses the ear. ‘ Decreed, pleaded, arguments ‘ are the few words used in the court.

4 - Special features
The poem is unique in that, it is a gentle criticism of the judicial system. Criticism of the judiciary is dangerous and could even land one into troue.

But the poet has been gently mocking in his style, which does not offend but is completely truthful how the things are presented.

5 - Message / values/ morals in the poem.
The message the poem sends out is that the judges verdict should also keep in mind the human values are not just arrived at decisions based purely on law books.

6 - Your opinion about the poem.
The poem reminds one of the hypocrisy and greed in people to grab what is not theirs. It shows how the weak are unable to defend themselves. Though they are on the side of right. They are often wrong – the nise trying to grab the spectacles when the weak eyes need them is the perfect example in the poem ‘ nose versus eyes ‘.

Appreciation -2 [ Nose Versus Eyes Appreciation ]

Write the appreciation of the poem.
  • About the poem / poet / title
  • Theme
  • Poetic devices, language, style
  • Special features / novelties / focusing elements
  • Values, message
  • Your opinion about the poem
The poem ‘Nose versus Eyes’ by William Cowper is a satirical take on the judiciary.

The theme dwells on the proceedings of a court where judgment is passed without careful consideration.

The rhyme scheme of the poem is ‘abab’ and provides a song-like flow to the poem. The notable features of the poem are the use of Imagery, Simile, Personification, and Inversion. While inversion has been used to maintain the rhyme scheme and add to poetic effect, imagery helps to paint a vivid picture of the court setting in the minds of the readers. The highlight of the poem is the personification of the eyes, nose, and tongue. The characters assigned to each one of them are perfectly fitting and add to the humorous nature of the poem.

Though the poem is a mockery of the legal system, the message is to highlight the general pitfalls of selective hearing and warn the reader to exercise good judgment. The poem also reveals the failure of the legal system in delivering justice. 

This is particularly obvious in the lines ‘then shifting his side, as a lawyer knows how’ and ‘what were his arguments few people know’. The irony of the poem is that the judgment was made in favour of the one, who had no use of it i.e. the Nose. In a court of justice, injustice was served to the eyes.

Appreciation -3 [ Nose Versus Eyes Appreciation ]

William Cowper, the English poet, well-known for composing hymns, deviated from his usual topic and presented Nose versus Eyes, an interesting and uncommon subject on a courtroom drama of a dispute between the Nose and the Eyes about the ownership of the spectacles.

 The title makes no bones about the disagreement between the Nose and the Eyes by using the word ‘versus’ and directly involves the readers in the context of the poem. The poet sarcastically refers to the contest as ‘strange’ but makes it sound very obvious about the position of the spectacles. All the formalities of the courtroom were fulfilled with quite precision. The Tongue, which is used for speaking, was assigned the job of the lawyer so that he could defend his client wisely with valid arguments. 

The Tongue did his job perfectly with the help of intelligent reasoning in favour of the Nose for being the legitimate owner of the spectacles. He went to the extent of saying that in absence of a Nose, there was no way one could wear the spectacles. Here, the poet brought the surprise element of the poem by making the same lawyer change side and represent the other disputant, the Eyes. But the learned judge, the all-powerful Ear, even after being very attentive and prudent, could not make head or tail of the arguments in favour of the Eyes. 

So, he had to come to a decision to give the official order in favour of the Nose, in a serious tone without having any hesitation in mind. He also pronounced a verdict for the Eyes to keep themselves shut whenever the spectacles are worn. The poem is a satire on the judicial system and the poet made his comments very obvious by using expressions like ‘a wig full of learning’. He has personified various sensory organs, which are very essential in a courtroom, to bring out how the futility of the judiciary can lead to major harm.

 For creating humour, he has used the language and the background of a courtroom which also has made the poem an interesting read. Like an allegory, where a story or poem is used to reveal a hidden meaning, this poem also can be interpreted to have a moral. All the imaginary characters point out to the moral values needed for the judiciary. 

The same lawyer speaks in favour of both the rivals and the deliberate attempt to present vague arguments for the second client add to the element of humour but it also hints at the justice that is denied. The deliberate use of words to protect the dignity of the judge, who actually does not do justice, is the poet’s way of pointing finger at misuse of such an important service. The first reaction of the reader will be having a good laugh while reading the poem. But the deeper meaning of the need for morality in the judicial system definitely makes the poem thought-provoking.

Appreciation Nose Versus Eyes 11th | Nose Versus Eyes Appreciation

Between Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose, -
The spectacles set them unhappily wrong;
The point in dispute was, as all the world knows,
To which the said spectacles ought to belong.

So Tongue was the lawyer, and argued the cause
With great deal of skill, and a wig full of learning;
While Chief Baron Ear sat to balance the laws,
So famed for his talent in nicely discerning.

‘In behalf of the Nose it will quickly appear,
And your lordship,’ he said, ‘will undoubtedly find,
That the Nose has had spectacles always in wear,
Which amounts to possession time out of mind.’

Then holding the spectacles up to the court,
‘Your lordship observes they are made with a straddle
As wide as the ridge of the Nose is; in short,
Designed to sit close to it, just like a saddle.’

‘Again would your lordship a moment suppose,
(‘Tis a case that has happened, and may be again.’)
That the visage or countenance had not a Nose,
Pray who would, or who could, wear spectacles then?

‘On the whole it appears, and my argument shows,
With a reasoning the court will never condemn,
That the spectacles plainly were made for the Nose,
And the Nose was as plainly intended for them.’

Then shifting his side, as a lawyer knows how,
He pleaded again in behalf of the Eyes:
But what were his arguments few people know,
For the court did not think they were equally wise,

So his lordship decreed with a grave solemn tone,
Decisive and clear, without one if or butThat,
 whenever the Nose put his spectacles on,
By daylight or candlelight-Eyes should be shut!
-William Cowper

Appreciation Nose Versus Eyes 11th | Nose Versus Eyes Appreciation

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Appreciation Nose Versus Eyes 11th | Nose Versus Eyes Appreciation

11th english all poem appreciation pdf | class 11 english appreciation
1) Cherry Tree Poem Appreciation
2) The Sower Poem Appreciation
3) There is another sky Appreciation
4) Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation
5) Nose Versus Eyes Appreciation
6) The Planners Poem Appreciation

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