Appreciation Upon Westminster Bridge | Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation

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Appreciation Upon Westminster Bridge | Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation 

Appreciation Upon Westminster Bridge | Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation
11th english all poem appreciation pdf | class 11 english appreciation
1) Cherry Tree Poem Appreciation
2) The Sower Poem Appreciation
3) There is another sky Appreciation
4) Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation
5) Nose Versus Eyes Appreciation
6) The Planners Poem Appreciation

Appreciation 1 - [ Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation ]

Write an appreciation of the sonnet. Refer to the earlier poems for the points to be covered for appreciation.

  • About the poem / poet / title
  • Theme
  • Poetic devices, language, style
  • Special features / novelties / focusing elements
  • Values, message
  • Your opinion about the poem

'Upon Westminster Bridge' is a Petrarchan sonnet by William Wordsworth and thus is a fourteen-line poem, divided into an octave (observation) and a sestet (conclusion).

 The poem offers a vivid description of the view of the city of London through the eyes of the poet as he finds himself atop the Westminster Bridge in the wee hours of the morning. The poem tries to convey the poet's feelings of captivation as the early morning sun covers the landscape of the city of London in its first rays. 

The poet makes use of simple poetic devices (like simile, hyperbole, and personification) and easy language, in line with his intention to write the poem for the common people. The use of simile in the line 'This City now doth, like a garment, wear The beauty of the morning;' creates a powerful image of a city wearing the morning sunshine like a piece of clothing thus describing the poet's sense of wonder. 

Most notably, the poet uses personification to give life to the houses that 'seem asleep' or to compare the city of London to a 'mighty heart' that is lying still. Thus, he paints a picture of a sleeping city. 

The river, too, is referred to as a living being flowing at 'its own street will'. Wordsworth uses end rhymes to give a song-like rhythm to the poem. The rhyme scheme of the poem is abbaabba cdcdcd. The main message of the poem is the beauty of the city in its natural setting before any activities have begun. 

This highlights the negative impact of industrialization which the poet believes will ruin the city. In addition, by describing the beauty of a city, the poet shows that even a city is capable of making a person feel calm like nature; in the early hours of a morning when everything is silent and unmoving.

Overall, the poem is a good read and allows the reader to visualize the picture painted by Wordsworth and draws similarities between the city and nature.

Appreciation 2 - [ Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation ]

• About the poem, poet and title -  
• Theme - 
• Rhyme scheme - 
• Special features - 
• Message/values/morals in the poem - 
• Your opinion about the poem - 

• About the poem, poet and title -  
The poem is written by William Wordsworth. The title of the poem is 'Upon westminster bridge.'

 • Theme - 
Nature poet Wordsworth was highly fascinated by the gorgeous beauty of London city during early morning sunrise taking a pause on the bridge while crossing Thames river, he began to girdle the enormous beauty of the city and it's stunning silence in the early morning. He convincingly states that at this point of the day mingles with nature as a part of it. It's his conviction that one has to be amused by reverence marvelling towards the supreme beauty of the city before him. 

The poet is enamoured by the grandeur of the different land marks of the London which are visible from the bridge. The poet is in bliss to find peace in the vibrant city in the wee ours of the day.

Appreciation of poem Nose versus eyes class 11th 1. About the poem, poet and title The poet William Cowper is famous for his satirical work. The poem 'Nose versus Eyes' is such a one gently humorous poem. It pokes fun at some absurd decisions arrived at in jurisprudence when the law is applied without human discretion and thought. The nose and eyes are sensory organs that symbolise human behaviour. 2. Theme  • Poetic style, language, poetic devices used in the poem -

Rhyme scheme - 
abba     abba     cdc     dcd

 • Special features - 
The poem is petrarchan sonnet, and it's divided into two parts.
A. An octave - first 8 lines
B. A sestet - The second part - 6 lines

 • Message/values/morals in the poem - 
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, everyone should be generous enough to appreciate others' qualities. Everyone must imbibe the qualities of patience and tolerance from the nature.

 • Your opinion about the poem - 
 It is an excellent poem that made me a keen explorer of the nature. The nature's beauty must not be marred by development made by man.

Appreciation 3 - [ Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation ]

The Poem ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’, written by William Wordsworth, is one of the best examples of his romantic poem. ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’ is a Petrarchan Sonnet beautifully portrays the serene morning scene of London, when the whole city is quite and smokeless. The poet was enthralled by the panoramic landscape, beauty, calm and quiet nature before him.

William Wordsworth, born on April 7, 1770, was a major English Romantic poet, who was an honoured ‘Poet Laureate’ of the United Kingdom in the court of Queen Victoria, from 1843 until his death on 23 April 1850. He is a leading English Nature poet. His collection of poetry ‘Lyrical Ballads’ is considered to be the central work of Romantic literary theory.

The title of the poem The Westminster Bridge, gives the readers the beautiful image of the bridge where the poet wasstanding and enjoying the eye pleasing scene of the city early in the morning. The title seems to me apt as the poet was standing on that very bridge and the thought of this beautiful poem stuck him standing over there only and he realized how imperative it is to connect the readers with the content of the poem.

The major theme of the poem is man vs nature. How powerful and imperishable the beauty of nature is and we humans stand so tiny in front of nature, but still we are trying to vie with nature, thinking that mankind will win. Though in the poem the poet specifically talks about the beauty of the city of London early in the morning, but as a whole William Wordsworth evinces the beauty of nature everywhere in the world, not just in the city of London.

The poet is awe-struck as he never thought that London can display such beauty as well. Wordsworth was just passing by the Westminster Bridge but he stopped there to admire  the eye catching beauty which he feels is more attractive than valley, rock or hill, the natural landscape, at this time of the morning. 

The city in its slumber appears majestic as he is not used to seeing London this way. Even the river is flowing on its own will as if there is no one to disturb it and the other noises are not there to intervene into the beautiful noises of nature and the flowing river.

The poem is a Petrarchan sonnet having fourteen lines which are divided in two sections. The octave presents the beauty of the city London in the early morning, and the bonding of nature with man, and how man is trying to obliterate the nature. The sestet shows the astonishment and disbelief of the poet seeing the calmness and serene beauty of the sleeping city. The ninth Line, ‘Never did sun more beautifully steep…’ is called ‘Volta’ where the poet gives reason for his astonishment. The rhyme-scheme of the poem is that of a traditionalPetrarchan sonnet — abbaabba, cdcdcd.

It is a descriptive poem where the poet has used imagery beautifully expressing the panoramic view of London.  I personally liked the simplicity of the language where these is no ornamentation with hefty words or hyperbole. The poem’s simplicity and vivid imagery makes it stand out.

Appreciation 4 - [ Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation ]

‘Upon Westminster bridge’ is a Petrarchan sonnet written by the renowned Nature poet William Wordsworth. It is a 14-line poem divided into an octave and a sestet. The poem is about the poet’s feelings of fascination and wonder as he watches the early morning in the city of London from the Westminster bridge.

The poet has used poetic devices such as Hyperbole, Personification, Alliteration, Metaphor  and Simile. The use of Simile –‘This city now doth, like a garment, Wear the beauty of the morning’ creates a picturesque image. The  artistic use of end-rhymes gives a song-like rhythm to the poem. The rhyme scheme is abbaabba cdcdcd.

The main message of the poem is the beauty of the city in its natural setting before the routine activities have begun. This highlights the negative impact of industrialization which the poet believes may ruin the city. 

Overall, the poem is brilliantly outstanding and allows the readers to visualize the picture painted by Wordsworth. The tone of the poem changes from overwhelmed to calm, to excited and amazed by the end. The poet’s calling out to God in sheer amazement is indeed a sublime finish to the beautiful sonnet. This poem validates the fact that Wordsworth was a true Nature poet.

I like this poem for it’s simplicity, freshness & picturesque depiction. This over 200 years old poem has the supreme power to take anyone close to nature. 

Appreciation 5 - [ Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation ]

William Wordsworth, one of the most famous romantic poet, a great lover of nature, wrote the poem ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’ while crossing over the famous bridge on the Thames river, with his sister, to go out of town. The title of the poem is significant as it directly takes the readers to the place where the poet is inspired by the beauty of London city early in the morning. 

It immediately connects the readers with the content of the poem. The theme of the poem is basically to admire the peace and calmness all around the city of London at dawn before the busy city wakes up to its daily routine activities. The skyline of the city is clearly visible and is glittering in bright sunlight as the morning is absolutely pollution free. 

To make the impression of the city at that moment clearer to the readers, the poet compares it to a lady who has currently changed her attire. There is a remarkable balance between nature and man-made structures like ships, domes, theatres, temples and co-existence has made the London landscape to be at its best. The poet is awe-struck as he is not familiar with the scene. So he is confident to make a comment about a dull person who only can think of missing this chance of enjoyment and leave it for some other time.

  For Wordsworth, he is enjoying to his heart’s content the breathtaking beauty which is even more attractive than valley, rock or hill, the natural landscape which he has enjoyed so far. The sleeping city appears majestic as he is not used to seeing London this way. Even the river is flowing on its own will as if there is no one to disturb it’s moment. 

The poem is a petrarchan sonnet, having fourteen lines which are divided in two sections. Octave, which is first eight lines and sestet, the last six lines. The octave presents in detail the city of London at dawn, its specialty seen by the poet at that time of the day and the co-existence of nature with man-made constructions so beautifully lit up by the bright and glittering sunlight. In sestet, the overflowing emotion of disbelief for the calmness of the sleeping city is expressed with so much of praise that it goes to the extent of exaggeration. 

The 9th Line, ‘Never did sun more beautifully steep…’ is called ‘Volta’ where the poet gives reason for his – awe and wonder. The poet uses the traditional rhyme-scheme of a petrarchan sonnet — abbaabba, cdcdcd. The poem is a descriptive one where the poet uses his sense of sight and flair for expression to present a panoramic view of London. The simplicity and frankness of the language that is devoid of any lofty idea, make the poem pleasant. 

The poem is a momentary expression of the poet’s description of the finer details of what he sees, feels, thinks at particular time of the day. It appears more beautiful because of the clarity in nature. Perhaps, on a gloomy day with overcast sky, this beauty would not have worked wonders for the poet. Fair weather brings out the inspirational awakening to the poet and he could easily pass it on the readers.

Appreciation 6 - [ Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation ]

In the poem ‘Composed upon Westminster Bridge’ Wordsworth described the city so serene and still the beauty is not easy to pass unseen. Throughout the poem, Wordsworth uses tone, figures of speech, and imagery. Wordsworth used imagery to make us feel and see what he is as he gazes from Westminster Bridge. He uses visual imagery to reckon the beauty that he is it observing.

Wordsworth sees those things which we never thought would have beauty go on to prove to be very beautiful things. Wordsworth also used the sense of inter-emotions. It is as though he is astonished at how the humblest things from nature can influence our emotions. Furthermore, Wordsworth uses personification in many places in the poem, with regard to the sun, city, houses, and river.

He builds the intuition that nature is a living being having soul. With tranquillity we can visualise nature’s innate beauty. Wordsworth used a simile to liken morning beauty to clothing. The manner in which the poem is written displays many different tones. Such as, displaying admiration for the attractive sight he views. It is as though he is praising the minimalism of beauty.

Wordsworth also gives the tone of peace. In what way the city is tranquil that for those instants it is so peaceful. The way Wordsworth used imagery, tone, and figures of speech in the writing of the poem is in what way he can get others to feel as if they were there that morning to feel and see what he felt and saw. This poem reveals that there is beauty in each thing; nevertheless to sometimes visualise this beauty we should look harder to discover it.

 Upon Westminster Bridge 

Earth has not anything to show more fair:
Dull would he be of soul who could pass by
A sight so touching in its majesty:
This city now doth, like a garment, wear
The beauty of the morning; silent, bare,
Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie
Open unto the fields, and to the sky;
All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.
Never did sun more beautifully steep
In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill;
Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm, so deep!
The river glideth at his own sweet will:
Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;
And all that mighty heart is lying still!
-William Wordsworth

Appreciation Upon Westminster Bridge | Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation 

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Appreciation Upon Westminster Bridge | Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation 

11th english all poem appreciation pdf | class 11 english appreciation
1) Cherry Tree Poem Appreciation
2) The Sower Poem Appreciation
3) There is another sky Appreciation
4) Upon Westminster Bridge Appreciation
5) Nose Versus Eyes Appreciation
6) The Planners Poem Appreciation

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