Appreciation Hope is The Thing With Feathers | Hope is the thing with feathers appreciation

Nirmal Academy

Appreciation Hope is The Thing With Feathers | hope is the thing with feathers appreciation

Appreciation Hope is The Thing With Feathers | hope is the thing with feathers appreciation

Appreciation Of Poem 9th Standard | 9th english all poem appreciation pdf
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Appreciation - 1 | hope is the thing with feathers appreciation

Title: ‘Hope is the thing with feathers -’

Poet: The poetess of the poem is Emily Dickinson.

Theme/Central Idea: The central idea of the poem is the role played by hope in our lives. According to the poetess, hope – the little bird that nests in our soul – keeps us going even in the most difficult of times and demands nothing in return.

Rhyme Scheme: The rhyme scheme of the first 2 stanzas is ‘abab’ whereas in the 3rd stanza it is ‘abbb’.

Figure of Speech: ‘Personification’.

Special Features: This poem is full of implied meanings. It tells you the importance of hope and helps you to survive in any difficult days or occasions.

Favourite Lines: My favourite lines from the poem are :
“And Sweetest – in the Gale – is heard
Yet – never – in Extremity, It asked a crumb – of me.

Why I like the poem: I like the poem for its positive message. According to the poet, hope is not easily defeated. It sustains us. Hope also encourages us to move forward. This message, I think, is very important for a young person

Appreciation - 2 | hope is the thing with feathers appreciation

Title: The title of the poem is ‘Hope is the thing with feathers- '

Poet/Author: The author of the poem is Emily Dickinson.

Rhyme scheme: The rhyme scheme of the first 2 stanzas is ‘abab’ whereas
in the third stanza is ‘abcb’.

Favourite lines: My favourite lines from the poem are:
(i) ‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers-
(ii) And sweetest – in the Gale - is heard -

Theme / central idea : The central idea or theme of the poem is the role played by the hope in our lives. According to the poetess, hope – the little bird that nests in our soul. keeps us going even in the most difficult of times and demands nothing in return.

Figure of speech: Personification: Here, the lifeless and abstract idea of ‘hope’ is
portrayed as a ‘living little bird’.

Special Features: This poem is full of implied meanings. It tells you the importance
of hope and helps you to survive in any difficult days or occasions.

Why i like the Poem:
I like the poem for its positive message. According to the poet,
hope is not easily defeated. It sustains us. Hope also encourages us to move forward.

This message, I think, is very important for a Young person.

Appreciation - 1 | hope is the thing with feathers appreciation

The Only Ray of Hope Divide the class into groups of 4-6. Each group selects for itself, one of the difficult situations listed below. They imagine themselves to be in that situation and carry on with the rest of the activity

(a) A group of passengers are marooned on an island in the middle of the ocean

(b) A group of pilgrims travelling on foot have lost their way in a thick jungle.

(c) A team of players from an office have got down at the wrong place on a highway at night. It is a lonely spot.

 Describe your surroundings in 4-5 sentences. 

• Write the reactions of your companions using exclamations. 
• Using your imagination, write what is the only ray of hope for you. 
• Two members of your group are going out to try to get help. They can take any five things with them. Write what they choose, and why they choose it.

Appreciation Hope is The Thing With Feathers | hope is the thing with feathers appreciation

‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -
And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -
I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
- By Emily Dickinson

Appreciation Hope is The Thing With Feathers | hope is the thing with feathers appreciation

Appreciation Hope is The Thing With Feathers | hope is the thing with feathers appreciation

  • hope is the thing with feathers critical appreciation
  • hope is the thing with feathers appreciation of poem
  • 9th english poem hope is the thing with feathers appreciation
  • 9th class english poem hope is the thing with feathers appreciation
  • hope is the thing with feathers poem appreciation
  • critical appreciation of hope is the thing with feathers
  • appreciation of hope is the thing with feathers
  • critical appreciation of the poem hope is the thing with feathers
  • hope is the thing with feathers appreciation of the poem
  • hope is the thing with feathers 9th class
  • hope is thing with feathers appreciation
  • hope is the thing with feathers appreciation
  • hope is the thing with feathers figure of speech
  • hope is the thing with feathers rhyme scheme
  • hope is the thing with feathers english workshop
  • hope is the thing with feathers theme central idea
  • hope is the thing with feathers central idea

Appreciation Hope is The Thing With Feathers | hope is the thing with feathers appreciation

Appreciation Of Poem 9th Standard | 9th english all poem appreciation pdf
Appreciation Walk A Little Slower
Appreciation Hope is The Thing With Feathers
Appreciation of the poem Comparisons
Appreciation Please listen poem
Appreciation Coromandel Fishers
Appreciation To A Butterfly
Appreciation of poem What is Success
Appreciation of poem silver

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