Appreciation of poem What is Success | What is Success Appreciation 9th
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Appreciation 1 - What is Success Appreciation 9th
Title: What is success?
Poet/Poetess: The poet of the poem is Ralph Waldo Emerso.
Theme/Central Idea: The theme of the poem is quite evident from the title of the poem itself. As the answer to the question posed in the title, the poet defines success as precisely as possible in the following lines.
Rhyme Scheme: The poem is an example of ‘free verse’.
Figure of Speech: Repitition, Euphemism.
Special Features: This poem is an example of ‘free verse’. The lines of a ‘free verse’ do not have any steady rhythm. The lines are of irregular length and lack clear-cut stanza divisions. It has no rhyme scheme.
Favourite Line: My favourite lines from the poem are:
(1) To find the best in others;
(2) To appreciate beauty To find the best in others
Why I like the poem: I like this poem because it defines ‘success’ in a very special way.
Appreciation 1 - What is Success Appreciation 9th
Title - The title of the poem is "What is Success?"
Poet/Author - The poem is Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Rhyme scheme - The poem has no rhyme scheme. It's a free verse.
Favourite lines - My favourite lines from the poem are:
a) To earn the appreciation of honest critics.
b) "To find the best in others."
Theme/central idea - The poem is about success Success gives happiness and enthusiasm A person who wants to be successful should have positive attitude. He or she finds the best qualities in other people. A successful parson wants blessings for everyone
Figure of speech -
To leave the worlo a bit butter
Alliteration sound of repeated
Special Features - The poem is a sonnet, (a poem of 14 lines) No rhyming words are used in this poem. It's a free verse. The poet has used many infinitives.
Why i like The Poem - I like the poem because it is based on success. It definitely helps us to achieve success by doing small things correctly.
Appreciation of poem What is Success | What is Success Appreciation 9th
What is success ?
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by
a healthy child, a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed
easier because you have lived;
This is to have succeeded.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Appreciation of poem What is Success | What is Success Appreciation 9th
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