Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance
1. (A) Complete the following statements by selecting the appropriate option.
Q:1.The concept of Lokpal is taken from
(a) United States
(b) United Kingdom
(c) Sweden
(d) Russia
(c) Sweden
Q:2.The Right to Information was passed in the year
(a) 1950
(b) 1976
(c) 2016
(d) 2005
(d) 2005
(B) State the appropriate concept for the given statements.
Q:1.Person investigating complaints against government officials.
2. (A) Complete the concept map.
(B) State whether the following statements are true or false with reason.
Q:1.Lokayukta can investigate complaints against political executives.
This statement is True.
- Lokayuktas were created by the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 to look into allegations of corruption against public functionaries in the States.
- A member of the public can file specific allegations with the Lokayukta for inquiry against any public servant including legislators, political executives, local bodies, public enterprises.
- Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance
Q:2.Good Governance aims at efficient use of natural resources.
This statement is True.
One of the core values of good governance is effectiveness and efficiency.
It refers to sustainable human development in the context of efficient use of natural resources and the protection of the environment.
3. Explain the correlation between the following.
Q:1.Good Governance and E-Governance.
Good Governance aims to replace traditional public administration riddled with corruption and redtapism and to make it more citizen-centric, responsible and responsive. The core values of good governance include efficiency, inclusiveness, being consensus-oriented, transparency, accountability, etc. Specific programmes aimed at good governance include setting up of Lokpal and Lokayuktas, Creating of Citizen’s Charters, Right to Information Act, institutional mechanisms like NHRC, NCW, etc.
E-Governance is one of the most important aspects of good governance. It involves the employment of Information and Communications Technology (I.C.T) to facilitate efficient and instant transmission and processing of information as well as storing and retrieval of data. Thus, e-governance helps to implement core values of good governance such as transparency, effectiveness, accountability and participation of citizens.
Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance
4. Express your opinion of the following.
Q:1.E-governance speeds up governmental processes.
I agree with this statement.
E-governance refers to the use of Information and Communications Technology (I.C.T) to carry out the varied and complex aspects of governance and of citizen’s expectations. E-governance facilitates instantaneous transmission and processing of information as well as efficient storing and retrieval of data. This helps in speeding up governmental processes and taking decisions expeditiously. Large scale digitisation of records enables easy and reliable access over the internet.
Q:2.E-governance brought administration closer to people.
I agree with this statement.
E-governance refers to the use of Information and Communications Technology (I.C.T) to carry out the varied and complex aspects of governance and of citizen’s expectations. Large scale digitisation of records enables easy and reliable access over the internet.
E-governance helps in increasing the geographical and demographical reach of the government. Efforts have been made at various levels to improve the delivery of public services and simplify the process of accessing them. The objective of National e-Governance Plan is to bring public services closer to the people i.e., make them citizen centric.
5. Answer the following Q:in 80 to 100 words.
Q:1.Explain various institutions protecting rights of different sections in India.
The core values of good governance include administration being consensus-oriented based on principles of inclusiveness and equity as well as responsiveness to the needs of citizens.
The benefits of good governance must be available to all the sections of the society. The constitution provides for socio-economic and political safeguards to certain disadvantaged sections of the society. Besides the safeguards, provided for them the government has created several commissions to safeguard the rights of different sections of the society. These include the following:
1. National Commission for Scheduled Castes - Deals with matters related to the safeguards provided in the constitution for the Scheduled Castes and inquire into specific complaints relating to deprivation of rights of the Schedule Castes.
2. National Commission for Scheduled Tribes - Deals with matters related to the safeguards provided in the constitution for the Scheduled Tribes and inquire into specific complaints relating to deprivation of rights of the Schedule Tribes.
3. National Human Rights Commission - It deals with protection of rights relating to life, liberty, equality and dignity guaranteed by the constitution.
4. National Commission for Women - This was created to facilitate the redressal of grievances and accelerate socio-economic development of women.
5. National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights - It seeks to protect, promote and defend child rights in the country. The Commission defines a child as a person in the 0 to 18 years of age group.
6. National Commission for Backward Classes - The focus is welfare of socially and economically backward classes.
7. National Commission for Minorities - It monitors the working of the safeguards for minorities provided in the Constitution and by laws enacted by the Parliament and the State Legislatures. The National Commission for Minorities recognises the following religious communities as minority communities: Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, Parsis and Jain.
8. National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission - This provides for a consumer disputes redressal mechanism e.g.,consumer courts are set up.
6. Answer the following Q:with reference to the given points.
Q:1.Explain in detail the following values of Good Governance.
(a) participation
(b) transparency
(c) responsiveness
(d) accountability
- In development administration, not only the government but also citizens and NGO’s play a vital role. The term ‘governance’ is used to describe this cooperative effort of the government and non-governmental bodies in public administration. Governance is broader than government as
- it includes formal institutions of government e.g., legislature, bureaucracy as well as informal institutions e.g., NGO’s.
- it aims to improve the performance of public institutions with focus on values like accountability, transparency, citizen feedback, etc.
- The Good Governance approach aims at the following-
- to reform the traditional, huge-sized public administration which was riddled with red tape and corruption.
- to replace the archaic systems with responsible, participative and equitable systems.
- to look at interlinkages between government and civil society.
- to make the administration citizen-centered and not rule bound.
a. Participation - The effective functioning of any democratic system requires that people get an opportunity to participate in the process of decision making and its implementation.
b. Transparency - This value of good governance enables people to keep the government under scrutiny for e.g., Right to Information Act (2005) provides citizens access to information about public policies and actions.
c. Responsiveness - The government must be prompt and sensitive while designing policies to serve all stake holders within a reasonable time frame.
d. Accountability - This cannot be enforced without the rule of law and transparency. Any organization is accountable to those who will be affected by it’s decisions and actions, i.e. to stakeholders. Governmental institutions, private sector and civil society institutions must be accountable.
Q:1.Find out the information regarding State level commissions working for safeguarding rights of various sections of society (Text Book Page No. 58)
The State Level Commissions are-
1. State Information Commission was constituted with the objective to fulfill the mandate assigned in the RTI Act 2005. It consists of State Information Commissioners headed by the State Chief Information Commissioner.
2. State Commission for Women was constituted on 25th January 1993. It consists of a chair person, 6 nonofficial members, a member secretary and a DGP as ex-officio member. It aims to investigate into practices derogatory to women and suggest remedial measures. It also advises the government on matters related to upliftment to the status of women.
3. State Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes was established by the Social Justice and Special Assistance Department dated 1st March 2005. It’s role is to study existing socio-economic, political and educational situation of Scheduled Castes and Tribes and to suggest measures to improve the same. It also investigates grievances raised by members of Scheduled Castes and Schedules Tribes.
4. State Human Rights Commission (MSHRC) was established on 6th March 2001 to protect, promote and enforce human rights. It can inquire suo motu (of its own accord) or on petition presented to it, into complaints of violation of human rights.
5. State Commission for Protection of Child’s Rights was set up in July 2007 to protect and defend child rights in the State.
6. State Commission for Minorities - was set up to safeguard the interests of religious and linguistic minorities.
Q:2.Find out information about Ombudsman. (Text Book Page No. 58)
- Ombudsman is a Swedish term. In general, it means “a legal representative” or an official appointed to investigate complaints especially against public officials. The first country to set up ombudsman institution in 1809 was Sweden. In India, the Lokpal (for centre) and Lokayuktas (for States) are the ombudsman. The ARC (1966-70) headed by Morarji Desai recommended the institution of Lokpal and the Bill was first introduced in Parliament in 1968. Orissa was the first State to constitute institution of Lokayukta.
- After the India Against Corruption Movement led by Anna Hazare, the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Bill, 2013 was passed in Parliament and came into force on 16th January 2014. The Lokpal is a multimember body, consisting of a chairperson and a maximum of 8 members. The Lokpal and Lokayuktas inquire into allegations of corruption / maladministration against public functionaries.
ACTIVITY (Text Book Page No. 48)
Q:1.Identify NGO’s that are working in your Area/City/State. Look at the issues and work done by them. In which NGO would you like to work?
1. For environmental causes
- Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)
- Vanshakti
- Earth5R
- Bombay Environmental Action Group (BEAG)
- Vasundhara
2. For child welfare
- Child Right and You (CRY)
- Prerana
- Helen Keller Institute
- Bal Asha Trust
- Salaam Baalak Trust
- Akansha Foundation
- Apnalaya
3. For educational purposes
- Teach for India
- Door step School
- Magic Bus India Foundation
- Pratham Education Foundation
- Abhilasha Foundation
4. For women’s welfare
- Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action (SNEHA)
- Apne Aap Women’s Collective (AAWC)
- Women’s India Trust (WIT)
5. For the disabled/ill/aged
- National Association for the Blind (NAB)
- ALERT-India (leprosy patients)
- Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA)
- Committed Action for Relief and Education (CARE)
- Cheshire Homes India
Q:2.Find out E-governance initiatives of Government of Maharashtra (Text Book Page No. 54)
Maharashtra is a pioneer in citizen centric e-governance initiatives such as
- SARITA (Stamps and Registration Information Technology based Administration) for registration of 67 different types of documents over the entire State.
- SETU (Integrated Citizen Facilitation Centres) act as one stop service centre for people who have to visit government offices for permits/affidavits, etc. The Society for promotion of Excellence and Transparency for better Understanding of the requirements of citizen in interface with government.
- E-validity for caste/minority status certificates.
- Online Disability certificates.
- SEVARTH - integrated system to provide electronic salary payment to all government personnel.
- SARTHI - Computerisation of driving license and vehicle registration.
- Rojgar Wahini - to provide free services like vocational guidance, job opportunities, self-employment guidance, etc.
- Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance
Q:3.Consumer Protection Act (1986) (Text Book Page No. 56)
The Consumer Protection Act was enacted by Parliament in 1986 to protect the interests of consumers in India. It is replaced by the Consumer Protection Act 2019.
It aims to check unfair trade practices, ‘defects in goods’, and ‘deficiencies in services’ and has led to a widespread network of consumer fora and appellate courts all over the country. The Act provided six rights to consumers:
- Right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices.
- Right to be heard and be assured that their interests receive due consideration at an appropriate forum.
- Right to be assured wherever possible, access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices.
- Right to be informed about the quality, standard, price of goods and services.
- Right to be protected against marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to life and property.
- Right to consumer education.
- To ensure consumer rights, Consumer Disputes Redressal System included a three-tier level i.e.,
- National Consumer Commission (set up by the central government).
- State Consumer Commission (set up by each State).
- District Consumer Forum (in each district of the State).
- The redressal agencies (consumer courts) set up were. Central Consumer Protection Council and State Consumer Councils. Consumer courts are special-purpose courts dealing with cases involving consumer disputes, conflicts and grievances.
Contemporary India: Good Governance Exercise | Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance
In this chapter we will explore the
concept of good governance and citizen
centric administration which has become an
important aspect of changing nature of public
administration particularly in the era of
Let us begin with few questions.
is government? What is governance? What
should be the role of government in civic
administration? Should they play any role
and how they can play that role?
We as citizens come in contact with the
government’s administrative machinery on a
daily basis. For instance, you may need a
birth certificate, death certificate, Aadhar
Card, PAN Card, Ration Card etc. We may
have complaints against the local government
for not repairing or maintaining roads,
clearing the garbage, etc..
How the
government’s administrative agencies respond
to these various demands, need and
requirements of citizens will determine the
success or failure of the government
Since early 1980s there has been an
increasing focus on the performance of the
public administration institutions. To ensure
performance it is necessary that values like
accountability, responsibility, transparency
and citizen’s feedback need to be introduced
in the realm of public administration.
What is the role of the State towards its
In the 11th standard we saw the
role of public administration. We saw that
there was a ‘narrow’ role described as
POSDCORB and a broader role that included
all the three branches of the government.
We also saw how the concept of
development administration brought in
changes in this traditional role. We noted
that in development administration the citizens
play an important role in public administration.
Today, besides the government, various
non-state actors (Non-Governmental
Organisations and Voluntary Organisations)
play an important supportive role in public
administration. The word used to describe
this cooperative effort of the government and
non-governmental bodies in public
administration is ‘governance’. This is a
broader view of public administration.
governance is broader than government. It
includes not only the formal institutions of
government (E.g. Legislature, Executive,
Bureaucrats, etc.) but also informal institutions
(E.g. NGO’s, Civil Society Organisations,
Private sector organisations). The concept of
governance also aims to improve the
performance of public institutions with a
focus on citizens.
Evolution and Meaning
Several changes took place in the world
in 1990s. These changes include the following:
(i) Globalisation of the world economy :
Globalisation had several dimensions:
(a) The technological revolution in the
sector of communication brought in the
internet, mobile communications, TV,
etc. These developments and the growth
of social networking brought in instant
connectivity and transparency in the
administrative system.
(b) International
economic relations changed, trade and
investment became an important
economic issue. This made international
funding agencies more influential.
(ii) International Institutions :
There is a growing influence of international
funding agencies like International
Monetary Fund, World Bank, Asian
Development Bank, United Nations
Development Programme, United Nations
Environment Programme, United Nations
International Children's Emergency Fund
etc.: These donor agencies now influenced
the policies of the Third World countries.
They wanted reforms in the traditional
administrative setup of the countries that
were seeking aid.
(iii) Non-state actors :
Organisations and Non-Governmental
Organisations started to play a greater
role in public administration.
These changes brought in a rethinking in
approaches to public administration. It was
felt that the traditional approaches of public
administration would not satisfy the
requirements of the citizens. This brought in
a shift from public administration as an
approach to governance.
Governance approach
is a break from the traditional model of
public administration.
These reforms sought to revamp the
traditional, archaic, elephantine sized public
administration riddled with delays, red tape,
and corruption. It aimed to replace these old
systems with responsive, responsible,
participative, equitable public administration.
The new model is popularly called as ‘Good
Governance’ model. This model also looks at
the inter-linkages between state (government),
and civil society. This model wanted to
make administration citizen centered and not
rule bound.
Values of Good Governance:
It is one of the most essential aspects of
good governance. Effective functioning of
any democratic system requires people’s
participation. It ensures that voices and
choices of people are heard. People get an
opportunity to participate in the process of
decision making and its implementation.
Rule of law:
The supremacy of the law of the land
i.e. constitution, is another core value of
good governance. The constitutional values
are the guiding posts for the administration.
All are treated equally in front of the law.
It ensures a just and fair polity where rights
of the people are safeguarded
The culture of secrecy has been
challenged by the value of transparency. This
enables the people to keep the government
under public scrutiny. In India since 2005
the Right to Information Act has been giving
the citizens the right to seek information
related to the functioning of the government.
Good governance requires that institutions
and processes try to serve all stakeholders
within a reasonable timeframe. The
government is prompt in taking decisions and
specially pays heed to the problems and
designs the policies accordingly.
Consensus Oriented
There are several view- points in a given
society. Good governance requires a dialogue
between various segments of the society. This
can help to reach a broad consensus on what
is in the best interest of the whole community
and how this can be achieved. It also requires
a broad and long-term perspective on what
is needed for sustainable human development
and how to achieve the goals of such
Equity and Inclusiveness
A society’s well-being depends on
ensuring that all its members feel that they
have a stake in it. No one should feel
excluded from the mainstream of society.
This requires all groups, but particularly the
most vulnerable, have opportunities to
improve or maintain their well-being.
Effectiveness and Efficiency
Good governance means that processes
and institutions produce results that meet the
needs of society while making the best use
of resources at their disposal. The concept of
efficiency in the context of good governance
also covers the sustainable use of natural
resources and the protection of the
Accountability is a key requirement of
good governance. Not only governmental
institutions but also the private sector and
civil society organisations must be accountable
to the public and to their institutional
Who is accountable to whom
depends on whether decisions or actions
taken are internal or external to an
organisation or institution. In general an
organisation or an institution is accountable
to those who will be affected by its decisions
or actions. Accountability cannot be enforced
without transparency and the rule of law.
Initiatives for good governance and citizen centric administration in India:
In the post-independence period India
adopted a socialist and welfare model of
development. The development administration
approach had a focus on people’s participation.
However, despite periodic efforts and
programmes, genuine participation of people
in the process of governance was not able to
be achieved.
The Department of Administrative
Reforms and Public Grievances under the
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions, Government of India, looks after
administrative reforms in India. Its objectives
are to
(i) promote administrative reforms in
government policies, structures and processes,
(ii) Promote citizen-centric governance with
emphasis on grievance redressal, and
Conduct innovations in e-governance.
The Second Administrative Reforms
Commission (ARC) was set up with a
mandate to prepare a blue print for revamping
the public administration system in India. It
was expected to suggest measures to achieve
a pro-active, responsive, accountable,
sustainable and efficient administration for
the country at all levels of government. One
of the main tasks of the Commission was
concerned with Citizen Centric Administration.
The commission maintained that
governance, in order to be citizen centric,
should be participative and transparent. It
should be effective, efficient and responsive
to the citizens. Furthermore, an ethos of
serving the citizens should permeate all
government organisations. Government
organisations should also be accountable to
the people.
One of the primary functions of
the State is to promote the welfare of its
citizens. Therefore an evaluation of the
functioning of the institutions of governance
will ultimately have to be based on the
satisfaction they provide to the citizens. In
this regard, prominence would need to be
attached to the voice of the citizens
Contemporary India: Good Governance Exercise | Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance
- Chapter 5 - Contemporary India: Good Governance Exercises Questions
- Balbharati solutions for Political Science 12th Standard HSC
- Maharashtra State Board Solutions Class 12 Political Science
- Chapter 5 Contemporary India Good Governance is an important subject that Maharashtra State Board class 12
- Chapter 5: Contemporary India: Good Governance
- Maharashtra Board Class 12 Political Science Solutions Chapter 5 Contemporary India Good Governance
- Maharashtra State Board Class 12 Political Science Notes Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance
- 12th political science digest pdf
- Contemporary India Good Governance Exercise
- Chapter 5 Contemporary India: Good Governance
Maharashtra State Board 12th Std Political Science Textbook Solutions Digest
Chapter No | Chapter Name |
Chapter 1 | The World Since 1991 |
Chapter 2 | Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Globalisation |
Chapter 3 | Key Concepts and Issues Since 1991: Humanitarian Issues |
Chapter 4 | Contemporary India: Challenges to Peace, Stability and National Integration |
Chapter 5 | Contemporary India: Good Governance |
Chapter 6 | India and the World |