Please Listen appreciation 9th class | rhyme scheme of please listen poem
Poet: The poem is by an anonymous (unknown) poet.
Theme/Central Idea: The central idea of the poem is the need of an adolescent to be heard patiently. The poem also reflects on our habit of giving advice or offering help without hearing out the problems of teenagers fully.
Rhyme Scheme: There is no rhyme scheme. This poem is an example of ‘free verse’.
Figure of Speech: Repetition, alliteration.
Special Features: This poem is a soliloquy. Soliloquy is a dramatic speech uttered by one character. The soliloquist thus reveals his or her inner thoughts and feelings to the listener.
Favourite Line: My favourite lines from the poem are:
1. “Listen! All I ask is that you listen.”
2. God just listens and lets you work it out for yourself.
Why I like the poem: I like the poem because I can personally relate to the poem. I have undergone the speaker’s plight many a time. So I can identify with the speaker’s feelings very easily.
Appreciation - 2 | Please listen poem appreciation
Title: The title of the poem is 'Please Listen!'
Poet/Author: The poem is written by an unknown poet.
Rhyme scheme: The poem has no rhyme scheme. It’s a free verse.
Favourite lines: My favourite lines from the poem are:
“God just listens and lets you work
it out for yourself.”
Theme / central idea: The poem celebrates the diversity in the universe. The poem also reminds that all sorts of people and things are needed to make our world beautiful. So many different things are present in the world.
Figure of speech: The figure of speech in the poem is ‘simile’. Except for the last two lines, the poem is filled with similes. The comparisons are made explicit with the uses of ‘as’ throughout the poem.
Special Features: The poem has deep meaning. The poet has beautifully described the importance of listening. We know sometimes “Silence is greater than words.” One should not speak cranky. We have to improve our listening skills. After all, ‘A good listener is always a good speaker.’
Why i like the Poem: I like the poem for the message of listening. Now a days everybody wants to give advice and suggestions to one another. We should advice, speak and suggest anyone if asked.
Appreciation - 3 | please listen poem appreciation in paragraph
The poem Please Listen is a child’s expectations from his/her parent. The child longs for the parent to listen to him when he/she has something to say. Often, when the child wants the parents to listen to him/her, the parent starts advising the child and begins explaining why the child should not feel a particular way.
This gives the parent a feeling of satisfaction of doing something to solve the child’s problem. But, in reality, the child’s feelings have been really affected and causes him/her to experience a sense of failure.
Instead of talking and doling out advice, the child wants the parent to hear him/her out. Advice is very cheap and the child can get it very easily. The child reminds the parent that he/she can do his/her things by himself/herself.
While the child may initially get discouraged or falter, he/she is by no means helpless. By doing something for the child that he/she can do on his/her own, the child’s fears and inadequacy only increase.
When parents listen to the child, he/she gets the answers that the child is looking for and begin to make sense out of irrational feelings.
The child says that the reason why prayers work is God does not give advice or do things that the child can do by self. Rather, He listens to the child and allows the child to try out on his/her own.
Finally, the child requests the parent to wait for his/her turn if he/she wants to talk and the child will then listen.
Please Listen appreciation 9th class | rhyme scheme of please listen poem
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- rhyme scheme of please listen poem
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- please listen poem appreciation
- please listen poem appreciation in paragraph
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- please listen poem figures of speech
- please listen poem 9th std question answer
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