India : Social and Religious Reforms Questions And Answers | India : Social and Religious Reforms 12th
1A. Choose the correct alternative and rewrite the statement.
Question - 1. Raja Ram Mohan Roy wrote an English letter against the ___________
[a] caste system
[b] child marriage
[c] practice of sati
[d] segregation of women [Purdah system]
Solutions :
[c] practice of sati
Question - 2. ‘Arya Samaj’ was founded by ___________
[a] Swami Vivekanand
[b] Mahatma Jotirao Phule
[c] Swami Dayanand Saraswati
[d] Ramaswamy Naikar
Solutions :
[c] Swami Dayanand Saraswati
1B. Find the incorrect pair from group ‘B’ and write the corrected one.
Question - 1.
Group ‘A’ | Group ‘B’ |
(a) Brahmo Samaj | Raja Ram Mohan Roy |
(b) Satyashodhak Samaj | Mahatma Jotirao Phule |
(c) Paramhamsa Sabha | Maharshi Vitthal Ramji Shinde |
(d) Ramkrishna Mission | Swami Vivekanand |
2. Write the names of historical places/persons/events.
Question - 1. The title conferred on Raja Ram Mohan Roy by the Mughal Badshah-
Solutions :
Question - 2. The one who founded ‘Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental College’-
Solutions :
Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan
Question - 3. The one who participated in ‘Vykom Satyagraha’-
Solutions :
Ramaswamy Naikar
Question - 4. The one who made the law of free and compulsory primary education in Kolhapur Princely State-
Solutions :
Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj
3. Write short notes.
Question - 1. Prarthana Samaj.
Solutions :
Prarthana Samaj:
- Had its origins in Paramhamsa Sabha.
- Founded by Dadoba Pandurang Tarkhadkar.
- Founding members like Dr. Atmaram Pandurang, Justice M. G. Ranade, Dr. R. G. Bhandarkar opposed idol worship and emphasized monotheism.
- Opened schools for girls, orphanages, and night schools for workers.
- Focussed on gender equality, wiping outcaste discriminations, and appreciating the values of mundane life.
Question - 2. Satyashodhak Samaj.
Solutions :
Satyashodhak Samaj:
- Founded in 1873 by Mahatma Jotirao Phule in Pune.
- Cracked a whip on the social customs and practices which pushed the Indian masses into a miserable state.
- Showed a new path to artisans, workers, and other downtrodden people.
- Characteristics of Satyashodhak Samaj included monotheism, rejection of the authority of Vedas and Puranas, acceptance of rationality, opposition to the dominance of priests and idol worship, etc.
- Mahatma Phule and his wife Savitribai Phule started a school for girls.
- His work was continued by Gopalbaba Walangkar who criticized untouchability in his book ‘Vital Vidhwamsan’.
- Shivram Janba drew attention to the problems of deprived women like Murali, Jagatini, and Devdasi.
4. Answer the following questions in detail.
Question - 1. What were the social reforms on which Raja Ram Mohan Roy put a great emphasis?
Solutions :
Contribution of Raja Ram Mohan Roy:
- Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born in Bengal.
- Translated Sanskrit Upanishads into Bengali.
- He was a witness to his brother’s wife immolating herself on her husband’s funeral pyre and this incident made him raise his voice against this evil social custom which according to him is not mentioned in any of the religious scriptures as a prescribed social obligation.
- It was due to the efforts of Raja Ram Mohan Roy that a law was passed by the Governor-General of Bengal Lord William Bentinck abolishing Sati in 1829.
- He was also opposed to child marriage and purdah, opened an English medium school, launched the first periodical in Bengali, and also another publication in Persian.
- He started ‘Atmiya Sabha’, a philosophical discussion circle,’ Brahmo Samaj in 1828.
- He spoke in support of the anti-colonial movements in Spanish colonies in South America.
- Ram Mohan Roy laid the foundation of modernity in India.
- Organizations like Manavdharma Sabha, Paramahamsa Sabha, and Dnyanprasar Sabha were inspired by his work.
Question - 2. Write about the contributions of the Ramkrishna Mission.
Solutions :
Ramkrishna Mission:
- Swami Vivekananda founded the Ramkrishna Mission in 1897.
- Focussed on serving needy people, working for people affected by famine, health care for the sick people, education for women, etc.
- It also gave a message to the Indian youth to get up to awaken and keep moving until the goal is achieved.
Question - 3. Write about the contributions of Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan.
Solutions :
Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan:
- Was born in 1817 in Delhi.
- Fluent in Urdu, Persian, Arabic, and English.
- Established ‘Scientific Society’ for Muslims.
- After returning from England he founded the Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental College in 1875 which later developed into ‘Aligarh Muslim University.
- Started a periodical entitled ‘Mohammadan Social Reformer’.
- Worked for the propagation of modern education, science, and technology.
Question - 4. Describe the contribution of Ramaswamy Naikar.
Solutions :
Ramaswamy Naikar:
- Born in ‘Erode’ in Tamil Nadu in 1879.
- He became a follower of Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy and worked for propagating the use of ‘Swadeshi’.
- He participated in the Vykom Satyagraha in Travancore against untouchability.
- Started the ‘Swabhiman Andolan’ in Tamil Nadu.
- Fought against the varna system and child marriage.
- He was addressed as ‘Periyar’ or Great Soul because of his magnanimous work.
- Was a great speaker and author.
- Took a radical position on issues like women’s rights and family planning.
India : Social and Religious Reforms Questions And Answers | India : Social and Religious Reforms 12th
Let us find out. [Textbook Page No. 36]
Collect information about ‘Singh Sabha’ that was founded in Amritsar.
Solutions :
The Singh Sabha Movement was a Sikh movement that began in Punjab in the 1870s in reaction to the proselytizing activities of Christians, Hindu reform movements [Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj], and Muslims [Aligarh movement and Ahmadiyah]. The movement was founded in an era when the Sikh Empire had been dissolved and annexed by the British, the Khalsa had lost its prestige, and mainstream Sikhs were rapidly converting to other religions.
The movement’s aims were to propagate the true Sikh religion and restore Sikhism to its pristine glory; to write and distribute historical and religious books of Sikhs, and to propagate Gurmukhi Punjabi through magazines and media. The movement sought to reform Sikhism and bring back into the Sikh fold the apostates who had converted to other religions; as well as to interest the influential British officials in furthering the Sikh community. At the time of its founding, the Singh Sabha policy was to avoid criticism of other religions and political matters.
Try to do this [Textbook Page No. 36]
Collect information with the help of the internet and teachers about these people: Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Vishnushastri Pandit, Veereshlingam Pantalu, and Maharshi Dhondo Keshav Karve.
Solutions :
[A] Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar:
- Pandit Vidyasagar was born on 26th September 1820 in the Midnapore district of Bengal Presidency [now in West Bengal].
- A Sanskrit scholar, he joined Fort William College as the Head Pandit in the Sanskrit department in 1846.
- In 1846, he left Fort William and joined Sanskrit College as ‘Assistant Secretary’.
- In 1851, he became the principal of Sanskrit College.
- In 1854, Vidyasagar started his campaign for widow remarriage.
- Due to his efforts, the ‘Widow Remarriage Act was passed in 1856.
- He was keen to advocate for education for women.
- He exercised his power and lobbied hard for the opening of schools for girls.
- He gave more importance to educational reforms than social reforms.
- He emphasized teaching through Mother’s tongue.
- He has enriched Bengali Education System by writing many good textbooks for students.
- Vidyasagar died in 1891 at the age of 70.
[B] Vishnushastri Pandit:
- Vishnushastri Pandit was born in a Chitpavan Brahmin family to Sanskrit scholar Krishnashastri Chiplunkar.
- Worked as a school teacher in government schools during the years 1872-1879.
- Co-founded the newspapers Kesari [Marathi] and Mahratta [English] along with Lokmanya Tilak and Gopal Ganesh Agarkar.
- Also co-founded The New English School in Pune.
- Began his career as a writer
- In 1874, he started the monthly ‘Nibandmala’ for which he is principally remembered.
- Translated the following works in Marathi-
- Rasselas by Samuel Johnson
- Kadambari by Banabhatta
- The Arabian Nights
[C] Veereshlingam Pantalu:
- Rao Bahadur Kandukuri Veereshlingam Pantalu was considered the ’Father of Renaissance movement in Telugu’.
- Born on 16th April 1848 at Rajamundry, Andhra Pradesh.
- Social reformer and writer at Madras Presidency under British rule.
- After completing his matriculation in 1869, he started working as a school teacher in a village.
- A scholar of three languages namely Telugu, Sanskrit, and English.
- He is most revered for his contribution to the reformation of Telugu society.
- Wrote extensively on the emancipation of women, advocated widow remarriage, and denounced child marriages.
- Set up schools for the education of girls and women.
- In 1887, he started a Brahmo Mandir at Rajamundry.
- In 1893, the government of India conferred the title ‘RaoBahadur’ on him
- He passed away on 27th May 1919 aged 71.
[D] Maharshi Dhondu Keshav Karve:
- Born on 18th April 1858 at Sheravali, India, Dhondu Keshav Karve, or Maharshi Karve he was popularly known as a social reformer in India.
- Was a Professor, Activist, Writer, and Social Worker.
- Noted for supporting the education of women and for organizing associations for the marriage of Hindu widows.
- In 1893, he established the Widow Marriage Association.
- He set an example by marrying a widow after his first wife had died in 1891.
- Established an educational institution in 1896, Hindu Widows Home in Poona.
- He started Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women’s University in 1916.
- On his 100th birthday, he was conferred India’s highest honour the ‘Bharat Ratna’.
- He died in Pune on November 9, 1962, aged 104.
Project [Textbook Page No. 39]
Collect information about the efforts for women’s education in Maharashtra with the help of the internet.
Solutions :
Students can use the following points as reference:
- Trace women’s education down the ages.
- Education in Maharashtra from 1818-1903.
- Pioneer of Women’s education in India-Savitribai Phule.
- Female literacy in Maharashtra today.
- Schemes for women by the Government of Maharashtra.
India : Social and Religious Reforms Questions And Answers | India : Social and Religious Reforms 12th
The contribution of the Indian social
reformers who emerged from the first
generation of Indians and who studied
under the new educational system introduced
by the British is very significant. The
visionaries in the Indian society were aware
that political freedom was not adequate
without the internal transformation. It could
happen through social and religious reforms.
Hence, it is essential that we briefly review
the social-religious reform movements. Raja
Ram Mohan Roy’s efforts was the beginning
point of these movements.
5.1 Call for Social and Religious
The progress of Indian society was
stunted because of superstitions, orthodox
way of life, caste discriminations, false
social notions, lack of curiosity and
rationality that prevailed on large scale.
The social reformers who were trained in
the modern education system introduced by
the British developed a different world
view. They felt the need of creating a new
Indian society which cherished the
progressive values of ‘Freedom, Equality,
Fraternity and Humanism’. Therefore, they
began to work towards creating mass
awareness on various social and religious
5.2 Age of Reforms
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born in
Bengal. He translated Sanskrit Upanishads
in Bengali. The experience of witnessing his brother’s wife
immolating herself on
her husband’s funeral
pyre (she followed the
custom of Sati),
perturbed him very
deeply. Roy published
a letter about the evil
practice of Sati. He
was the first Indian to
point out that none of the Indian religious
texts mentioned the practice of Sati as a
prescribed religious obligation.
It is because
of his efforts that a law was passed by the
Governor General Lord William Bentinck,
abolishing the practice of Sati, in 1829. He
was also opposed to the practice of child
marriage and segregation of women (Purdah
system). He opened an English medium
school. He also launched the first weekly
periodical in Bengali. Later, he also
launched another publication in Persian
language. He also started a philosophical
discussion circle, named ‘Atmiya Sabha’.
This circle became a platform for searching
similarities value systems of different
religions. In 1828, he founded ‘Brahmo
Samaj’ and proclaimed that ‘God is one
and there is no need to worship idols to
propitiate him’.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy spoke in support
of the anti-colonial movements in the
Spanish colonies in South America. He
supported the liberal people in Spain who
were against the monarchical rule. In 1830,
he had gone to England to plead the case
of the Mughal emperor.
In recognition of
this the Mughal emperor conferred the title
of ‘Raja’ on him. He stayed in England for
2 years. Later, he went to France. In India,
he unfolded Europe for the Indians and
similarly, whenever in Europe, he unfolded
India to Europeans.
Roy, being trained in the British regime,
laid the foundation of modernity in India
through his writings and work. Organisations
like ‘Manavdharm Sabha’, ‘Paramhamsa
Sabha’ and ‘Dnyanprasar Sabha’ were
inspired by his work.
5.3 Religious Reform Movements
Prarthana Samaj : ‘Prarthana Samaj’
had its origin in the
‘Paramhamsa Sabha’. It
was founded by Dadoba
Pandurang Tarkhadkar.
The founding members
of ‘Prarthana Samaj’ like
Dr. Atmaram Pandurang,
Justice M.G. Ranade, Dr.
R.G. Bhandarkar opposed
idol worship and
emphasised on the
principle of ‘One Supreme God’
(monotheism). They opened orphanages,
schools for girls and night schools for
workers. They focused on the importance
of gender equality, wiping out caste
discriminations and also on appreciating
the value of mundane life.
Satyashodhak Samaj : In 1873,
Mahatma Jotirao Phule founded
‘Satyashodhak Samaj’ in Pune. It challanged
intellectually and rationally unjust religious
traditions. Mahatma Phule cracked a whip
on the social customs and practices, which
pushed the masses of Indian society into a
miserable state. He showed a new path to
the farmers, artisans, workers and various
suppressed castes for their upliftment. The
characteristics of the Satyashodhak Samaj
included monotheism, rejection of the
authority of Veda-Puranas, acceptance of
rationality, opposition to dominance and
intrusion of the priests and idol worship,
pilgrimage, disbelief in miracles and
opposition to the notion of a world after
death. Mahatma Phule and Savitribai Phule
took initiative in the movement of education
for girls by starting a school for them.
They emphasised on the fact that educating
the girls is the only way to their
emancipation. The work of educating girls
was continued by Pandita Ramabai and
Ramabai Ranade.
The social system in India was based
on social inequality. Mahatma Phule worked
for creating a social system based on
equality. His work was continued by
Gopalbaba Walangkar, who severely
criticised untouchability in his book, ‘Vital
Vidhwamsan’ (Destroying Defilement).
Shivram Janba drew attention to the
problems of the deprived women like
Murali, Jogatini and Devdasi.
Arya Samaj : Swami
Dayanand Saraswati
founded ‘Arya Samaj’ in
1875. Arya Samaj
regarded Vedas as holy
books. Arya Samaj
rejected discrimination
based on caste difference
and encouraged education
of women, widow
remarriage and inter-caste marriages.
Ramkrishna Mission : Swami
Vivekanand established ‘Ramkrishna
Mission’ in 1897. Ramkrishna mission
focused more on serving needy people.
They worked for people affected by famine,
healthcare for the sick
people, serving the
weak, upholding the
cause of education for
women and spiritual
betterment. It gave a
message to the Indian
youth to get up, to
awaken and keep
moving until the goal is
5.4 Contribution of
Social Reformers
Sir Sayyad Ahmad
Khan : He was born in
1817 in Delhi. He was
fluent in Urdu, Persian,
Arabic and English. He
had edited ‘Ain-i-Akbari’,
a book about Emperor
Akbar’s administration,
Sir Sayyad Ahmad
written by Abu’l Fazl. He established
‘Scientific Society’ for Muslims. Members
of this society were scholars of History,
Science and Political Economy. In 1869, he
went to England. After returning from
England he founded ‘Mohammadan Anglo
Oriental College’ in 1875. Later it developed
into ‘Aligarh Muslim University’. He started
a periodical entitled, ‘Mohammadan Social
Reformer’. He worked for the propagation
of modern education, science and technology.
Tarabai Shinde : She was born in
1839. She wrote an essay comparing the
situation of women and men. In this essay
she wrote about women’s rights. She
expressed her thought in a very upfront
manner. She did not just stop at discussing
about reforms like widow remarriage,
women’s education, abolition of Sati but
proceeded to demand gender equality.
Considering the time frame of her essay, it
was indeed, very brave step. She was the
first Indian woman to challenge the
patriarchal system. She opined that religious
systems suppress women because religions
are created by men. Mahatma Phule
justified her thoughts by giving resolute
answers to her critics.
Maharshi Vitthal
Ramji Shinde : He
opened Marathi
schools and schools
for technical training
in Paral, Deonar in
Mumbai, under the
umbrella of ‘Depressed
Classes Mission’ that
was established by
him. He worked to create public awareness
about the issues affecting the depressed
classes, like entry in temples, (for example,
protestations for the right of entry in the
Parvati temple in Pune) Agricultural
conference and joint electorate system of
depressed classes.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar :
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar had determined
to work for creating
a society based on
the principles of
‘Freedom, Equality
and Fraternity’. He
began a movement
for fighting the caste
system and bringing
equality. He gave a
message from the
platform of ‘Bahishkrut Hitkarini Sabha’,
“Educate yourself, get united and fight”.
This movement led to the ‘Satyagraha of
Chavadar Tank’ at Mahad. He asserted that
the public water bodies should be open to
all. He burnt Manusmruti, the book that
was the source of social inequality in India.
In 1930, he launched a Satyagraha to
open the ‘Kala Ram Temple’ in Nasik for
all. Karmaveer Dadasaheb Gaikwad headed
this Satyagraha.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar knew the
importance of print media. For him it was
the best instrument for creating public
awareness and to build the movement for
social equality. He began to publish his
own newspapers, namely, ‘Mooknayak’,
‘Bahishkrut Bharat’, ‘Janata’ and ‘Samata’.
He formed, ‘Independent Labour Party’ for
the good future of the working class. Later
he formed ‘Scheduled Caste Federation’ to
continue the work of shaping a society
based on equality. In 1956, along with his
numerous followers, he got initiated to
Buddhism. Among his contributions the
most important is the drafting of the
‘Constitution of India’
Ramaswamy Naikar : He was born in
‘Erode’, a city in Tamilnadu in 1879. He
Ramswamy Naikar
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
began his work in 1920
as a member of the
Congress. He became a
follower of Mahatma
Gandhi’s philosophy
and worked for
propagating the use of
‘Swadeshi’ and for the
right of temple entry to
all. He participated in
the ‘Vykom Satyagraha’ in Tranvancore,
against untouchability. He started
‘Swabhiman Andolan’ in Tamilnadu. He
fought against the varna system and child
marriage. People began to address him as
‘Periyar’ (Great Soul) because of his
magnanimous work. He was a great speaker
and author. He took a radical position on
the issues like women’s rights and family
Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay :
Kamaladevi was an
active volunteer of
Congress. She convinced
Mahatma Gandhi to let
women participate in the
salt satyagrha. She herself
participated in the
satyagraha. She worked
for women’s rights
throughout her life. She
organised demonstrations
to draw attention to the problems of workers
and farmers. She emphasised on justice to
female agricultural labourers. Similarly, she
also insisted that women working in
factories should have necessary facilities.
She consistently followed up the issue of
maternity leave to women. She was
imprisoned for one year by the British for
participating in the ‘Quit India’ movement.
5.5 Contribution of the rulers of
Princely States in India
Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad :
Maharaja Sayajirao of Baroda State had adopted progressive
policies. He made
provision of free
schooling and free
hostels for the students
from the untouchabletribal class. He also
encouraged women’s
education and also
opened a centre for
physical training of women. He started
various social programmes, such as,
community feasts for all castes
(‘sahabhojan’), grampanchayat in every
village, literate grampanchayat members,
library in every village, compulsory primary
education, compulsory physical training for
boys and girls, ban on child marriage,
widow remarriage, etc. He also provided
courses based on agro-industries for students
from farmer families. He passed a resolution
for assuring a share in the ancestral
property to married as well as widowed
Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj : The ruler
of the princely state of Kolhapur, Rajarshi
Shahu Maharaj supported Dr. Babasaheb
Ambedkar’s leadership, while leading the ‘Non-brahminical Movement’ in his state.
He made a public declaration of reservations
and passed a resolution for free and
compulsory primary education. He also
very strongly opposed the customs of
‘Rotibandi’ (restrictions on eating together),
‘Betibandi’ (restrictions on inter-caste
marriage) and ‘Vyavasaybandi’ (restrictions
on practicing occupations other than the
ancestral occupation of one’s caste). He
made a law for inter-caste marriage. People
in his state were permitted to choose any
Thus, all of
these social reformers
created a positive
picture for the future
of our country. It
was necessary to
build a society with
firm intellectual and
rational base for
obtaining freedom
from the British rule.
In the next lesson we are going to
learn about the freedom movement of the
You would like to know
As far as social reforms in
Maharashtra are concerned, the list of
people, who devoted their lives for it, is
quite extensive. However, it is essential
to mention a few prominent names
among them. The contribution of
Karmveer Bhaurao Patil and Punjabrao
Deshmukh, Maharshi Dhondo Keshav
Karve, Godavari Parulekar, Tarabai
Modak and Anutai Wagh in the field of
education deserves a special mention.
Sant Gadge Maharaj and Rashtrasant
Tukdoji Maharaj worked for creating
social awareness through their kirtans
and bhajans. In the field of social
service the work of Dr. Shivajirao
Patwardhan, Dr.Baba Amte and Dr.
Rajanikant Arole is of great value. Dr.
Baba Adhav started the movement of
‘Ek Gaon, Ek Panvatha’ (One Village,
One Water Source). R.D. Karve was on
the forefront to inculcate the value of
rationality in people in our social life.
Efforts of Dr. Narendra Dabholkar sowed
the seeds of ‘Andhashraddha Nirmulan’
movement (movement for elimination of
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