Appreciation Have You Earned Your Tomorrow | Have you earned your tomorrow appreciation
Appreciation Of Poem 12th Standard | 12th english all poem appreciation pdf |
2.1 Song of the Open Road |
2.2 Indian Weavers |
2.3 The Inchcape Rock |
2.4 Have you Earned your Tomorrow |
2.5 Father Returning Home |
2.6 Money |
2.7 She Walks in Beauty |
2.8 Small Towns and Rivers |
Appreciation -1 [ Have You Earned Your Tomorrow ]
• About the poem / poet and the title
• The theme
• Poetic style
• The language/ poetic devices used in the poem
• Special features
• Message, values, morals in the poem
• Your opinion about the poem
* About poem -
'Have you earned your tomorrow?' This is a basic and hopeful sonnet composed by American essayist of British beginning Edgar Guest. The writer has utilized facetious inquiries to move and pass on his thoughts. This is a novel and inventive style utilized by the writer. The title of the sonnet excites interest. Reference of basic day-today exercises right away makes an association with this poem.
* Theme -
The subject of the poem is that whatever acceptable deeds we do today will procure us our tomorrow. The writer powers the perusers to think about their negative activities. The sonnet makes the perusers to delicately think, consider about their day by day exercises.
* Poetic style, devices -
Poetic devices like Alliteration, Synecdoche and Interrogation are utilized. Visual symbolism is an uncommon element of this sonnet. The rhyme plan of the sonnet is 'aabb'.
• Message, values, morals in the poem -
The message of the poem is that we acquire a splendid future in view of the great and kind activities that we do each day. We ought to be thoughtful to everyone consistently and all over. We should make every day of our life significant.
• Your opinion about the poem
I like the poem as it contributes in improving the existences of others. It shows sympathy and benevolence. The artist really encourages individuals to improve others' lives. It is really an uplifting poem.
Appreciation -2 [ Have You Earned Your Tomorrow ]
Write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points.
- About the poem/poet and the title
- The theme
- Poetic style
- The language/poetic devices used in the poem
- Special features
- message, values, morals in the poem
- Your opinion about the poem
‘Have You Earned Your Tomorrow’ ‘Have You Earned Your Tomorrow’ by Edgar Guest is an inspirational poem written in rhyming couplets and contains four quatrains (four stanzas of four lines each).
The theme or the central idea of the poem is the importance of living each day by being kind and helpful towards others and by making small contributions to improve their lives; as the good deeds done by us today will earn us our tomorrow. It is set to a
Rhyme scheme of ‘aabbccaaddeeffaa’. The language of the poem is simple and straightforward, Alliteration, Antithesis, Consonance, Interrogation, Inversion, Metaphor, Personification, Repetition, Synecdoche, Tautology and Transferred Epithet. The most prominent figure of speech used throughout the poem is Interrogation, wherein the poet asks simple questions to the reader about how he/she treats the people he comes across in his/her life.
All these poetic devices serve to impart an earthy sense to the verse and hence “slipping fast” and “close your eyes in slumber”, which add to the overall appeal of the poem. The other special features are the interrogative lines in which the poem has been written and the repetitive sounds of “ay” in the first, second and fourth stanzas, which add an element of unification in the poem.
The message being conveyed by the poem is that even the smallest good deed on one’s part is enough to guarantee a better tomorrow for oneself. In my opinion, this poem as a brilliant effort by the poet to prod the readers into questioning their own goodness and help others in any way possible; thereby earning themselves a well-deserved future.
Appreciation -3 [ Have You Earned Your Tomorrow ]
‘Have you earned your tomorrow?’ This is a simple and optimistic poem written by American writer of British origin Edgar Guest. The poet has made use of rhetorical questions to inspire and convey his ideas. This is an unique and innovative style used by the poet. The title of the poem arouses interest. Reference of common day-today activities instantly creates a connection with this poem.
The theme of the poem is that whatever good deeds we do today will definitely earn us are tomorrow. The poet forces the readers to reflect upon their negative actions. The poem makes the readers to sensitively think, ponder about their daily activities.
Poetic devices like Alliteration, Synecdoche & Interrogation are used. Visual imagery is a special feature of this poem. The rhyme scheme of the poem is aabb
The message of the poem is that we earn a bright future because of the good and kind actions that we do every day. We should be kind to everybody always and everywhere. We must make each day of our life meaningful.
I like the poem as it contributes in improving the lives of others. It teaches compassion & kindness. The poet genuinely urges people to make others’ lives better. It is truly an inspirational poem.
Appreciation - 4 [ Have You Earned Your Tomorrow ]
A. About the poem /Poet and the title
This poem iswritten by the famous poet Edgar Guest. He was known as people's poet and writer. The title of the poem is self-explanatory.This is an inspirational poem.It is a thought provoking poem.
B. Theme/central idea
The poet has urged people and reader to be thoughtful in day to day life.The poet has put forward few questions.It made us to think if we are kind, generous, unselfish, patient and compassionate or not. We should be considerate in our lives. We are so selfish and engrossed that we do not bother about others.
C. Poetic devices, language,
The use of interrogation is prominent. Out of sixteen lines,poet has used interrogation in eleven lines. The language is very simple. There is alliteration and rhyme. The poem has four stanzas of four lines each. The first Stanza has four lines having fourteen syllables.The second.third and Fourth have fifteen syllables.
D. Message, values,moral in the poem.
The message is clear.ones life is meaningful only if it is useful for humanity at large. If you are are able to help others and kind enough probably you may earn your tomorrow. Instead of waiting for tomorrow,you can utilise each day as if there would be no tomorrow.
E. your opinion about the poem :
I like the poem because it is related to our day to day life.It has a message for all the readers. I like the last stanza of the poem very much..It is an uplifting poem.we can start implementing the message conveyed in this poem.
Appreciation - 5 [ Have You Earned Your Tomorrow ]
Read the extract carefully and write an appreciation of the poem Have You Earned Your Tomorrow.
The poem, 'Have You Earned Your Tomorrow' Is the inspirational poem of the well known British American poet Edger Guest. The poet used to write in a very simple language in optimistic way. That's why he is known as Peoples' Poet. The similar simplicity and optimism can be seen in the present poem. The poem is in a question form, the poet has been asking the questions to the readers.
It is quatrains as it has four line stanza structure. The poem has four stanzas of four lines each with the regular rhyme scheme. The first line rhymes with the second and third line with the fourth. Hence the rhyme scheme of the poem is aabb, ccaa, ddee, ffaa. The speciality of the poem is that it has eleven questions in the poem, hence the prominent figure of speech in the poem is Interrogation. There is one more noticeable figure of speech in the poem that is Alliteration.
The main theme of the poem is inspiration. Its an inspirational poem which enable the readers to do the self Introspection and help us for the self improvement. The poet is clearly asking the readers that have they secure their future by helping others or doing our duties for others. The poet said that today's good deeds will be the treasure of tomorrow. It also focus on karma philosophy that is earn your tomorrow by doing good to others today. The questions in the poem are telling us to do good to others or to make someone's day.
The moral of the poem is that "As you sow so shall you reap" whatever you have done today same thing you are going to get back. For expecting good future from the future we should be good, do good to get good returns. I like this poem very much as it helps us for self improvement.
Appreciation Have You Earned Your Tomorrow | Have you earned your tomorrow appreciation
Is anybody happier because you passed his way?
Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?
This day is almost over, and its toiling time is through;
Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?
Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came
Or a churlish sort of “Howdy” and then vanish in the throng?
Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the
Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?
Can you say tonight, in parting with the days that’s slipping
That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed?
Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said;
Does a man whose hopes were fading now with courage look
Did you waste the day, or lose it, was it well or sorely spent?
Did you leave a trail of kindness or a scar of discontent?
As you close your eyes in slumber do you think that God
would say,
You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did
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Appreciation Have You Earned Your Tomorrow | Have you earned your tomorrow appreciation
Appreciation Of Poem 12th Standard | 12th english all poem appreciation pdf |
2.1 Song of the Open Road |
2.2 Indian Weavers |
2.3 The Inchcape Rock |
2.4 Have you Earned your Tomorrow |
2.5 Father Returning Home |
2.6 Money |
2.7 She Walks in Beauty |
2.8 Small Towns and Rivers |