Appreciation Small Towns and Rivers | Small Towns and Rivers Appreciation
Appreciation Of Poem 12th Standard | 12th english all poem appreciation pdf |
2.1 Song of the Open Road |
2.2 Indian Weavers |
2.3 The Inchcape Rock |
2.4 Have you Earned your Tomorrow |
2.5 Father Returning Home |
2.6 Money |
2.7 She Walks in Beauty |
2.8 Small Towns and Rivers |
Write an appreciation of the poem ‘Small Towns and the River’. Refer to the earlier poems for the points to be covered for appreciation.
- About the poem/poet and the title
- Theme
- Poetic style
- The language/poetic devices used in the poem
- Special features
- Message, values, morals in the poem
- Your opinion about the poem
‘Small Towns and the River’
The poem ‘Small Towns and the River’ is written by Mamang Dai, a writer from North-east India. It is a nature poem, but with a difference that while celebrating nature around her hometown, the poet also laments the destruction of that nature to make way for the lifeless small towns along the river.
The poem consists seven stanzas of unequal length and is written in free verse, which means that it does not have a rhyme scheme. In fact, the poet begins by narrating the flip side of small towns situated amidst trees, which remind her of death with their flying dust and howling wind. She treats life and death as transient, but the nature and rituals as permanent.
The river has a predominant presence in her poem. It is depicted as the one alongside which lie numerous small towns, the one with a soul, the one which ‘knows’, the one which brings grief to inhabitants of the towns in summer, and the one which knows about the ‘immortality’ of its water. She speaks of life during childhood, full of happiness, transitioning into the later life of anxiety, as symbolized by the growth of the small towns by the river.
The lines are short and the verses are lucid. The poet has used poetic devices like Alliteration, Antithesis, Inversion, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Personification, Repetition, Simile, and Transferred Epithet to beautify the poem. The extensive use of Personification can be seen in the animate/human qualities attributed to the river “the river has a soul”, “it holds its breath” and “the river knows”.
The traditional belief that the souls of the dead dwell in nature, and rise with the sun, the cold bamboo that springs back with the sunlight, and the significance of the same in the life, form imagery in the poem. The depiction of the towns during the summer and winter seasons adds to the visual imagery of the poem. The elaborate descriptions of the river as a living entity also make for the special feature of imagery used by the poet.
The main message of the poem is the conveying of the poet’s mixed, almost antithetical, feelings about nature and the small towns which lie by the river. While the poet employs nature to imply positivity, she looks upon the small towns as a symbol of death, since they have grown at the cost of nature. Overall, the poem is an interesting read and I like it for its curious mix of the positive and the negative aspects.
Appreciation -2 [Small Towns and Rivers Appreciation ]
Write an appreciation of the poem ‘Small Towns and Rivers’. Use the points given below:
- About the poem/poet/title
- Theme
- Poetic devices, language, style
- Special features – tone and type
- Values, message
- Your opinion about the poem
The poem ‘Small Towns and Rivers’ written by Mamang Dai is a beautiful word-picture. It is also a lament of the poet about her beautiful native land of Arunachal Pradesh. This theme shows in the way she begins the poem that small towns remind her of death. It is shocking. She implies the town is unchanging in all weathers, but development comes along and changes everything.
There is irony in that the cycle of life and death shows that life is not permanent, but the rituals are permanent. She uses metaphor that the rivers are not only alive like us humans, but actually immortal. She personifies the river by way the river ‘holds its breath’ because it is choking. It is flowing in search of a place where it will flow clean and clear. The poet uses metaphor of the water cycle to illustrate the river has a soul and its waters are immortal.
The poet builds a climax with ‘shrine of happy’ childhood memories. This becomes growing up -‘grow with anxiety’. Then she speaks of how the dead are placed pointing west so the soul can ascend directly into the sun’s golden home in the east. This tells us about the traditions of her region.
The poem is in free verse and seems to be in easy language, but we can understand the full depth of meaning only after reading it more than once. The poem is a lament about the destruction of nature for development. We all will feel the sorrow of the poet when we read about how nature’s beauty is damaged for man’s greed called ‘progress’.
Appreciation - 3 [Small Towns and Rivers Appreciation ]
1) Title of the poem: The title of the poem is* Small Towns and Rivers.
2) Name of the poet: Mamang Dai from Arunachal Pradesh, the north east region-of,India is the poet of this poem.
3) Theme of the Poem: The theme of the poem is preservation and conservation of natural elements in vicinity.
4) Poetic devices used in the poem:
The use of poetic devices enriches the content of the poem. The poetess has used variety of poetic devices in the poem.
They are Alliteration, Repetition, Simile, Metaphor, Inversion, Transferred Epithet, Antithesis, Personification etc.
5) Language/ style : It is difficult to depict the current situation of the hometown of poetess in words. So the poetess has depicted the picture with the help of beliefs of' Adi' community in her hometown. She has used simple and easy language in the poem.
6) Special features : The poetess has used free verse to deal with the universal theme, the protection and conservation of the natural elements in our vicinity. There is no rhyming scheme. The use of transferred epithet helps express the feelings of the poetess.
7) Values/ message : The poetess gives us message that we should be aware of the degradation of the natural elements in our vicinity.
There is need to protect and conserve the natural elements.
8) Opinion : I think this is the best poem by Mamang Dai. The title' Small Towns and Rivers' arouses curiosity in readers mind. The poetess has depicted her hometown and the beliefs of' Adi' community in the poem. She tries to aware her reader about the prosperity of small towns on the cost of the destruction of the natural elements in the vicinity. The poetess has used simple and easy language.
Appreciation She Walks In Beauty | She walks in beauty appreciation | Poetic Appreciation: 2.7 She Walks In Beauty
Small towns always remind me of death.
My hometown lies calmly amidst the trees,
it is always the same,
in summer or winter,
with the dust flying,
or the wind howling down the gorge.
Just the other day someone died.
In the dreadful silence we wept
looking at the sad wreath of tuberoses.
Life and death, life and death,
only the rituals are permanent
The river has a soul.
In the summer it cuts through the land
like a torrent of grief. Sometimes,
sometimes, I think it holds its breath
seeking a land of fish and stars
The river has a soul.
It knows, stretching past the town,
from the first drop of rain to dry earth
and mist on the mountaintops,
the river knows
the immortality of water.
A shrine of happy pictures
marks the days of childhood.
Small towns grow with anxiety
for the future.
The dead are placed pointing west.
When the soul rises
it will walk into the golden east,
into the house of the sun.
In the cool bamboo,
restored in sunlight,
life matters, like this.
In small towns by the river
we all want to walk with the gods.
- Mamang Dai
Appreciation She Walks In Beauty | She walks in beauty appreciation | Poetic Appreciation: 2.7 She Walks In Beauty
- small towns and rivers appreciation of the poem
- small towns and rivers poem appreciation
- appreciation of the poem small towns and rivers
- small towns and rivers appreciation
- small towns and rivers rhyme scheme
- small towns and rivers figure of speech
- small towns and rivers poem
- appreciation of small towns and rivers
- small towns and rivers poem appreciation
- appreciation of the poem small towns and rivers
- appreciation of small towns and rivers
- small towns and rivers poem appreciation
- appreciation of poem small towns and the river
Appreciation She Walks In Beauty | She walks in beauty appreciation | Poetic Appreciation: 2.7 She Walks In Beauty
Appreciation Of Poem 12th Standard | 12th english all poem appreciation pdf |
2.1 Song of the Open Road |
2.2 Indian Weavers |
2.3 The Inchcape Rock |
2.4 Have you Earned your Tomorrow |
2.5 Father Returning Home |
2.6 Money |
2.7 She Walks in Beauty |
2.8 Small Towns and Rivers |