APPRECIATION OF POEM - Appreciation Of Poem 12th Standard
Appreciation Of Poem 12th Standard | APPRECIATION OF POEM
Appreciation Of Poem 12th Standard | 12th english all poem appreciation pdf |
2.1 Song of the Open Road |
2.2 Indian Weavers |
2.3 The Inchcape Rock |
2.4 Have you Earned your Tomorrow |
2.5 Father Returning Home |
2.6 Money |
2.7 She Walks in Beauty |
2.8 Small Towns and Rivers |
Appreciation Of Poem The Song of the Open Road 12th Standard
With the help of the following points, write a poetic appreciation of the poem "Song of the Open Road
⏩ the poem
⏩ title
⏩ theme
⏩ style
⏩ poetic devices
⏩ message
⏩ your opinion.
Ans. 'The Song of the Open Road' by American poet, Walt Whitman is about optimism, energy
and confidence. The world offers opportunities to anyone who wants to use them. Walt Whitman's works were a powerful influence on other writers.
The poet himself struggled as a child of twelve. He dropped out of school to take up some job to help the family income. He worked as lawyer's assistant, printer's assistant, as a teacher and journalist. He helped look after the wounded in the American Civil War.
The poem says 'open' road. It is about freedom. The poet wants to go out from restrictions
and comforts. The poet wants to be self-reliant. He is confident. The poem is in free verse. There are many poetic devices but no metre or rhyme. We immediately notice repetition. There is also Transferred epithet.
The poem is a dramatic monologue.
The poem inspires us to explore the world using our abilities. Comfort, complaints, criticisms and fate are not excuses for one's inaction.
Write an appreciation of the poem with the with the help of following points:
⏩ About the poem/poet and the title
⏩ The theme
⏩ Poetic style
⏩ The language/poetic devices used in the poem
⏩ Special features
⏩ Message, values, morals in the poem
⏩ Your opinion about the poem
Ans. The poet Sarojini Naidu's poem Indian Weavers tells about the work of India's famous handloom craftsmen. The three stanzas mark the three stages of life itself. The weavers reply to questions about why they are weaving thatparticular piece of cloth, of a certain colour at that time of day.
The theme is cycle of life. The weavers use colours associated with birth, marriage and death through weaving cloths for a newborn, a queen- mbride and a dead man.
Three stanzas of four line each in the form of questions & answers. The conversational tone gives a flow like life, one stage moving into the next. The poem is a metaphor for the cycle of life new life-dawn, marriage-dusk, and death-night.
Simile compares the woven garments to objects in colours apt for that stage of life. The sound of 'w' occurs a total of 20 times, at least once in all lines except one. This alliteration mgives a musical quality.
The poem is dedicated to the talented weavers and the fabrics of India which were world famous.
It shows the hard work of craftsmen and how we use their products in every occasion of our life. This poem is a beautiful way of the poet to salute the weaver's of India. I find that the weavers are not only skillful but also talented. They combine colours and create patterns that are eye-catching.
They know which colours are apt for occasions. The poet brings out their talent as well their hard working nature.
Write the appreclation of this poem based on the point given below
⏩ About the poem/poet and the title
⏩ The theme
⏩ Poetic style
⏩ The language/poeti devices used in the poem
⏩ Special features
⏩ Message, Values, Morals in the poem
⏩ Your opinion about the poem
Ans. The Poem "The Inchcape Rock' is about a real stretch of treacherous rocks near the Scottish coast. Robert Southey Wrote prose and other poems too. But this poem is well-liked. The title gives the clue mthat the rock is a part of an interesting story.
The theme is about an Abbot and a pirate. The Abbot is concerned for his fellow humans and helps mto save sailors. He put the Inchcape Bell on a buoy to warn ships day and night of the terrible Inchcape
Rock, during storms. [According to records, warning bell was placed.]
But the Rover in a fit of madness, on a spring day, cut the bell just to trouble the Abbot.
Many months later, when the pirate was sailing towards Scotland, the weather was different.
As the frightened sailors were caught in the dark stormy sea the pirate realised he had not troubled the Abbot but brought ruin for himself and his sailors.
The poem is a ballad. The story is told in stanzas of four lines, with aabb rhyme. The story is told in easy language. The poet uses many Old English words like 'blest', 'Quoth', and 'canst. The poet begins with spring, a metaphor for the pleasant mood, with a calm sea, still air and the ship in quiet waters. Repetition emphasizes the gladness in the heart.
The mood changes from mischief to wickedness. When the mist blocks the sun, metaphor mmakes the story gloomy, suspenseful. The nightfal is the metaphor for the dark situation for the ship, its sailors. They finally meet a violent end. There is alliteration which adds to the beauty of the poem.
The poem is a didactic one with a clear message- When we try to trouble others, trouble first Comes to the doer." The story has a moral and is useful even in these times.
APPRECIATION OF POEM - Have you Earned your Tomorrow
Write the appreclation of this poem based on the points given below
⏩ About the poem/ poet and the title
⏩ The theme
⏩ Poetic style
⏩ The language/poetic devices used in the poem
⏩ Special features
⏩ Message, Values, Morals in the poem
⏩ Your opinion about the poem
Ans. The poet, Edgar Guest's "Have you Earned your Tomorrow", is a thought provoking composition. The title itself pushes our mind to wonder if today we have done something useful. It urges the reader to be thoughtful in everyday life about the people around them. The poet puts forward questions. Each question forces us to ask ourselves if we are kind, unselfish, patient and thoughtful. In our everyday rush, to live our
life only for our own benefit, we forget to consider the people nearby who may be less fortunate... There is interrogation in eleven lines of the sixteen-line poem. The language is simple. There is alliteration and rhyme. The poem has four stanzas of four lines each. The first stanza has four lines, each having fourteen syllables. The second, third and fourth stanzas also with four lines, have fifteen syllables each.
The clear message of the poem is one's life Is meaningful only if it is useful for humanity at large. The poet says one's conscience has to know nat your existence is justified: Or one cannot feel ne has the right to ask for one more day of life. It is an uplifting poem. We can take the message and begin implementing it in our life immediately and every day.
APPRECIATION OF POEM - Father Returning Home
APPRECIATION OF POEM - Father Returning Home |
⏩ About the poem/poet/title
⏩ Theme
⏩ Poetic devices, language, style
⏩ Special features - tone and type
⏩ Values, message
⏩ Your opinion about the poem
Ans. The poem Father Returning Home', by Dilin by Dilip Chitre -a bilingual poet is about a lonely old man's coming home from a long day at work. The poet describes his silent and lonely journey home in the crowded Mumbai local train. It is a metaphor for the father's isolated life even though he is among people.
The poet speaks of the 'unseeing' eyes on the scenery flashing past the train. The same thing the man sees daily when commuting has nothing new, just like his uninteresting life. The setting is dusk in monsoon. The man's dress and appearance are also metaphorical. His soggy clothes and mud stained raincoat symbolize his shabby appearance and also his sau life.
The man carries a bag full of books. He 1s well-read maybe. Thus when the man gets off tne gets off the train the poet compares it to a word falling from a sentence. He goes unnoticed as an unimportant word dropped from a long sentence - a simile. The long sentence-imagery- makes us imagine the
long train and the passenger is one word that is getting down.
The platform he crosses is grey, colour imagery for gloominess or dirty surroundings. The poet uses informal language and an easy style. The poet describes him 'hurries' along the platform and again 'hurries on to his home. This repeated word shows his eagerness to reach his shelter and
get dry. The words create an imagery of a shabby, pitiable but scholarly man.
The second part of the poem is about the man in his home. The meal he eats shows the poor quality as well as the careless way it is served. He reads a book while he eats. That is a clear imagery for his loneliness at home also. The family offers no company after his long day and tiring commute.
In the toilet he is pondering on how he has been shut out of the world although he is in thee crowd. He is a stranger among his family in his own home. His children don't speak to him and won't share any part of their life. They are not interested in his life also. He goes to sleep thinking of the past and future, listening to harsh sounds on the radio.
The message is how the elderly are used by their own children but neglected when they need care. The poem is about a man who may be misunderstood. He is lonely even in the middle of crowds. It teaches how we should not behave to persons who are in the autumn of the ir life. I feel sorry for such people who have worked hard in their life but the younger relatives discard them once their use is over.
Write an appreciatio of the poem considering the following points:
⏩ About the poem/poet/title
⏩ Theme
⏩ Poetic devices, language, style
⏩ Special features-tone and type
⏩ Values, message
⏩ Your opinion about the poem
Ans. William H. Davies -a Welsh poet and writer - in his poem Money speaks of both times - when he had money and when he did not. Davies tramped through the United Kingdom and the United States. So he actually led a poor simple life of a wanderer.
He actually experienced the difference in the life of a rich man and a poor one. The theme of the poem is the effect of money on the behaviour of people. False friends are plenty when a man has money. The poet compares himself to a child with a trumpet. He is not allowed to blow it for there has been a death. He uses simile again when the poor man's wife is described as humming about busily like a
The poet also has seen that the lack of money does not mean lack of happiness. The poor man is aDle to laugh while a rich man frowns; he feels the 1ch must become poor to taste the simple joys ot lle-the use of antithesis helps to stress this point. The poem has five stanzas of four lines each. mSeven or eight syllable lines are short but rich he seven
POetic devices. The rhyme scheme lends rhythm. Repetition of the word 'money' stresses the way man gives money too much importance when it actually takes away our happimess.
The message is that money does not bring happiness. The poor are cheerful while the rich are Worried. The poem is very useful to remind us the value of money. It is a necessity. It is not the only thing to chase.
APPRECIATION OF POEM - She walks in beauty
Write an appreciation of the poem considering mthe following points:
⏩ About the poem/ poet / title
⏩ Theme
⏩ Poetic devices, language, style
⏩ Special features tone and type
⏩ Values, message
⏩ Your opinion about the poem
Ans. Lord Byron's poem opens with the same words that form the title: "She walks in beauty." These four simple words quickly create an atmosphere of admiration and mystery. It is a short eighteen line poem having three sestets (six lines) in praise of an unnamed woman. The poet uses several poetic devices to express how deeply he is impressed.
There are several themes. One is of course beauty. Each feature of the woman her eyes, her black (raven) tresses, her soft cheek, her calm brow and the lovely colour of skin is praised. The poet speaks of harmony. He speaks of the perfect blend of day and night, of light and dark.
He speaks of the mellowed' or tender light which makes the beauty so rare, delicate and astonishing. The other theme is the inner beauty which is what brings the outer beauty. He mentions heaven' [line 6] which may Point to a divine side to the beauty.
If a person is sinless their mnd is pure and calm. There is no ovil so the innocence inside causes the outer beauty which is indescribable "nameless grace [line 8] The poet uses simile [line 1] like the night., alliteration - 'cloudless climes', 'starry skies'. There is rhyme ababab in all the sestets. He uses metaphor -raven tress |line 9], and personification - 'smiles that win line 15]. There are many examples of antithesis through which the poet stresses on balance.
There is harmony of light - 'dark and bright', tender light -gaudy day', 'one shade more, one ray less'. These are to emphasize that the beauty is not only physical and external, but actually because there is inner beauty. The mind is calm, the heart is innocent and this causes the outer beauty which is seen by him. The poem is lyrical, has a steady rhythm and the language is rich with poetic devices.
Though the poet does not name the woman, or give any details of her age, his admiration is felt in the tone. The message is about the importance of inner beauty, which is almost a divine thing that will make external beauty p0ssible. I feel the poem makes us realize that one should look deeper than just outward appearance .One should appreciate beauty in its entirety.
1) APPRECIATION OF POEM - The Song of the Open Road
2) APPRECIATION OF POEM - Indian Weavers
3) APPRECIATION OF POEM - The Inchcape Rock
4) APPRECIATION OF POEM - Have you Earned your Tomorrow
5) APPRECIATION OF POEM - Father Returning Home
7) APPRECIATION OF POEM - She walks in beauty
8) APPRECIATION OF POEM - Small Towns and Rivers
APPRECIATION OF POEM - Small Towns and Rivers
write an appreciation of the poem 'Small Towns and Rivers'. Use the points given below:
⏩ About the poem/poet/title
⏩ Theme
⏩ Poetic devices, language, style
⏩ Special features tone and type
⏩ Values, message
⏩ Your opinion about the poem
Ans. The poem 'Small Towns and Rivers' written by Mamang Dai is a beautiful word-picture. It is
also a lament of the poet about her beautiful native land of Arunachal Pradesh. This theme shows in the way she begins the poem that small towns remind her of death.
It is shocking. She implies the town is unchanging in all weathers, but development comes along and changes everything. There is irony in that the cycle of life and death shows that life is not permanent, but the rituals are permanent. She uses metaphor that the rivers are not only alive like us humans, but actually immortal.
She personifies the river by way the river 'holds its breath' because it is choking. It is flowing in search of a place where it will flow clean and clear. The poet uses metaphor of the water-cycle to illustrate the river has a soul and its waters are immortal. The poet builds a climax with 'shrine of happy' childhood memories. This becomes growing up-'grow with anxiety'.
Then she speaks of how the dead are placed pointing west so the soul can ascend directly into the sun's golden home in the east. This tells us about the traditions of her region. The poem is in free verse and seems to be in easy language, but we can understand the full depth of meaning only after reading it more than once. The poem is a lament about the destruction of nature for development. We all will feel the sorrow of the poet when we read about how nature's beauty is damaged for man's greed called 'progress
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